Premiums coming down fast

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Full Access Member
Nov 22, 2011
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I just found one listed at $7000 under msrp so figured it was too good to be true but called anyway. When sales called back they said it was actually only $4000 under msrp. I said I'd take it but you're 4 hours away. Either ship or hold and I'll get it next week. She told me the manager would call me back. It's been about an hour. My guess is they figured it out and won't hold the price. I'll let you know know.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


Full Access Member
Sep 22, 2015
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
I just found one listed at $7000 under msrp so figured it was too good to be true but called anyway. When sales called back they said it was actually only $4000 under msrp. I said I'd take it but you're 4 hours away. Either ship or hold and I'll get it next week. She told me the manager would call me back. It's been about an hour. My guess is they figured it out and won't hold the price. I'll let you know know.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

That's a few hundred over invoice. You get that right now you got a great deal.


Full Access Member
Jan 24, 2017
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I just found one listed at $7000 under msrp so figured it was too good to be true but called anyway. When sales called back they said it was actually only $4000 under msrp. I said I'd take it but you're 4 hours away. Either ship or hold and I'll get it next week. She told me the manager would call me back. It's been about an hour. My guess is they figured it out and won't hold the price. I'll let you know know.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

My ass would've been running to the car to start driving right after $4k under was confirmed while simultaneously whipping out my CC to place a deposit to hold it.


Full Access Member
Nov 22, 2011
Reaction score
If i believed they would stick to the price i would have hopped in the car. If i drive 4 hours and they say sorry,our mistake. I would lose my mind.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk


Full Access Member
Jun 30, 2016
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Apparently not. I've been more than insistent, and incessant, in my rabid requests for my Raptor. No results. Nada. Last I spoke to FORD, and they literally said, "You might consider cancelling your order and starting over.....". I told this to my dealer and his unmitigatedly irrelevant response was, "That's wild.....". Do I have grounds for being pissed.....??

I feel the same! I'm going on 5 months and nada. I dropped the bead locks last week, but no luck getting scheduled yet. I see you are in Idaho. I live in CA, but ordered from a dealer in Idaho. Hmm, Idaho bad luck? If I don't get scheduled by 2/15, I'm going to launch an attack on my dealer. I'm already pissed seeing people ordering in December and Jan and not only getting scheduled, but receiving their trucks! This is ********! And the anger just keeps building...:mad:


Full Access Member
Nov 30, 2016
Reaction score
I feel the same! I'm going on 5 months and nada. I dropped the bead locks last week, but no luck getting scheduled yet. I see you are in Idaho. I live in CA, but ordered from a dealer in Idaho. Hmm, Idaho bad luck? If I don't get scheduled by 2/15, I'm going to launch an attack on my dealer. I'm already pissed seeing people ordering in December and Jan and not only getting scheduled, but receiving their trucks! This is ********! And the anger just keeps building...:mad:

Everyone's dealer allocation status is different, you need to know where you stand vs total

Both could be ordered today but 5th out of 10 spots will get pulled now vs 5th out of 5 spots will be likely April


Full Access Member
Jun 30, 2016
Reaction score
Everyone's dealer allocation status is different, you need to know where you stand vs total

Both could be ordered today but 5th out of 10 spots will get pulled now vs 5th out of 5 spots will be likely April

Yeah, I'm factoring that into the equation: I'm # 6 out of 17. Dropped the bead locks on 1/27, no CF. Maybe I was skipped over a few times because of the beads, but the first time my dealer mentioned the issue was 1/27. IDK, I'm just getting frustrated and wondering if I'm getting played because I'm paying MSRP and not a local purchaser (in CA buying from ID). I just sent my dealer an email asking for an update. I think I'm just going to start corresponding w/him more often so he knows I'm on top of it.


Full Access Member
Sep 22, 2015
Reaction score
Long Island, NY
Yeah, I'm factoring that into the equation: I'm # 6 out of 17. Dropped the bead locks on 1/27, no CF. Maybe I was skipped over a few times because of the beads, but the first time my dealer mentioned the issue was 1/27. IDK, I'm just getting frustrated and wondering if I'm getting played because I'm paying MSRP and not a local purchaser (in CA buying from ID). I just sent my dealer an email asking for an update. I think I'm just going to start corresponding w/him more often so he knows I'm on top of it.

Did they order your truck with CA emissions? Something you should verify on your Dora.