What does "Turbo not making charge" message mean?

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Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2015
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So true. Get used to hearing/reading these three words- "could not duplicate". Ford shortens it to CND to save time- writing CND instead of could not duplicate 100 times a day could save them a few minutes. A few minutes that they can use to write CND on other work orders as well.

Exactly. I have heard and seen this a few times by Ford on various vehicles. I do my research on issues first, or arrive with TSB in hand when possible. I only go see Ford at this point if its going to cost me more than $300 or more out of pocket to fix, or if I need to be towed and cant fix it myself.

My GT500 (2014) was under 3/36 warranty and the inter-cooler pump stopped working 8 months ago. I diagnosed it and bought a pump myself and replaced it in my garage, never even called Ford. I hate taking my stuff to them so that it can get a sun bath, a new dent because it was parked 6 inches away from another car which was also getting a sun bath and eventually a CND report. Then you get back in the car and the launch control is activated, even though you have never used launch control before, and you see that there is rubber in the rear wheel wells, even though you haven't launched or white smoked the tires in the past 6 months and when you took the car there is was clean enough to eat off of.

Or, you will like this one, you go in for an oil change in your 2012 GT500 and your car calls for 6.5 quarts of Motorcraft 5w/50 oil. You pick the car up and drive home. You drive for two months never thinking about it. You pull the dip stick one day and its an inch over the full hash marks. You look at the service order from 2 months ago and they put in 10 quarts. And it was 10 quarts of Mobile 1 50w/50. You call them and they tell you to drive it in, that wont hurt it. I drained it, changed it myself, then took it in to have it bore scoped. Sold the car two months alter because of this event.

Yeah, I dont take my shit to Ford anymore, unless I have to. This is only the beginning of my experiences. When I had a driveline with welding slag broken off inside of it making noise as the drive-line turned I had to go to Ford 3 times and got a CND each time. Eventually I jacked the car up at home, proved what the issue was, video of the issue, took it to Ford, they lifted it, said CND and then I walked back there while it was on the lift and showed them how to test to find it. They did find it and agreed, slag inside of the drive-line. They had to order one, and I had to come back a 4th time for install. I have spent so much time at Ford and driving back and forth and bumming rides from people.

I could go on but I will stop here. This is all in the past 4 years, BTW. Not over the course of a lifetime or anything.


Jan 10, 2017
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sounds like the dealer just wanted to have some fun with your truck

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And they weren't shy about telling me about the fun they had with it...Apparently 3 different people (foreman, service director and a technician) each drove it. Whatever, appears to be running fine for now. They speculated that the computer may have self corrected whatever the issue was...sounded like "it's all ball bearings nowadays" from Fletch. LOL


Be vewwy, vewwy quiet. We’re hunting sasquatch77
Dec 16, 2016
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That’s a darn shame. I’ve had really good dealer experiences with Ford. Not everything was completely to my satisfaction all the time, but I never had stuff like you describe.

I did have my local subaru dealer perform a regular service plus airbag recall. I got the call that the car was done at 30 minutes before closing the 2nd day. all of service was gone. I get the car, wires hanging loose in the cabin, broken dash piece, all the front splash guards missing.

then they had to get the car again so they could fix the dash trim they broke.
They had always done respectable work for us before but this time was just careless...


FRF Addict
Feb 17, 2013
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Yeah, I dont take my shit to Ford anymore, unless I have to.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I wish Ford had the option to sell them back their warranty at time of purchase. I personally have no use for it, for all the reasons you stated above, and more.


Full Access Member
Oct 10, 2016
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man, all of these stories make me cringe. although, it's another reason why i never take my car to the dealer either. i'll admit i've ignored quite a few recalls and replace the part on my own if i feel it is absolutely necessary. never had a problem with any of the recalls that i skipped.

for me, a door ding, damage during repair or botched repair you find about months/years down the road is FAR FAR more infuriating and frustrating to deal with than paying money out of pocket to get the part and do it myself (within reason of course). i love knowing that everything that was done to or touched on my vehicle after it left the factory was done with the utmost care and quality. i truly believe my vehicles last longer with less issues over the life of the vehicle because of it. no one will EVER treat your vehicle as good as you, period. and most people have no clue what hack jobs are being done at the dealer while they bend over and pay ridiculous amounts of money for "service" that costs pennies on the dollar to do at home by a competent DIY mechanic.


Full Access Member
Apr 12, 2015
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I have never had a solid dealership experience in my life. Surely, somewhere there is good dealer. Every brand I own its the same on the forums...." All xxxxx" brand dealers are worthless. Imagine what a brand could do to boost image and sales if they change this.

That being said, back to the subject. I don't buy new vehicles every 2-3 years like so many here seem to, kind of blows my mind honestly. I buy vehicles for myself or wife ever 10-12years, and do my best to drive them until the wheels fall off. Never traded in a truck or SUV ever. They don't want them after my abuse for 10 years. That being said I am also in the camp of a 70K vehicle should not just break down. Warranty or not. Granted I come from Japanese vehicles, but modern trucks are so well built you should not be having issues to well over 100K and nothing real serious until well over 200K. This is not the 1980's


Full Access Member
Oct 10, 2016
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I have never had a solid dealership experience in my life. Surely, somewhere there is good dealer. Every brand I own its the same on the forums...." All xxxxx" brand dealers are worthless. Imagine what a brand could do to boost image and sales if they change this.

That being said, back to the subject. I don't buy new vehicles every 2-3 years like so many here seem to, kind of blows my mind honestly. I buy vehicles for myself or wife ever 10-12years, and do my best to drive them until the wheels fall off. Never traded in a truck or SUV ever. They don't want them after my abuse for 10 years. That being said I am also in the camp of a 70K vehicle should not just break down. Warranty or not. Granted I come from Japanese vehicles, but modern trucks are so well built you should not be having issues to well over 100K and nothing real serious until well over 200K. This is not the 1980's

and the problem is, nobody really knows. everyone i know that tells me about a great dealership experience has no clue. it's a catch 22, because the people who rave about sales or service are the same people that don't know where the dipstick is. besides, even if i was to take my car in, unless i disassembled the car to investigate the quality of the job, i wouldn't really know either unless something was obviously visible.

i always wonder how many repairs are done at the cost of the owner that were initially caused by a previous repair done by the dealer. i bet it's a lot. how do you really know if a service guy damaged something or did something that led to a failure 6 months or 6 years down the road?


Full Access Member
Jan 9, 2015
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man, all of these stories make me cringe. although, it's another reason why i never take my car to the dealer either. i'll admit i've ignored quite a few recalls and replace the part on my own if i feel it is absolutely necessary. never had a problem with any of the recalls that i skipped.

for me, a door ding, damage during repair or botched repair you find about months/years down the road is FAR FAR more infuriating and frustrating to deal with than paying money out of pocket to get the part and do it myself (within reason of course). i love knowing that everything that was done to or touched on my vehicle after it left the factory was done with the utmost care and quality. i truly believe my vehicles last longer with less issues over the life of the vehicle because of it. no one will EVER treat your vehicle as good as you, period. and most people have no clue what hack jobs are being done at the dealer while they bend over and pay ridiculous amounts of money for "service" that costs pennies on the dollar to do at home by a competent DIY mechanic.

Exactly, couldnt have said it better myself. Its worth the pain and money to just do it myself and know for certain it was done right and my ride was respected. I dont scratch my shit up. Yes, I play hard but I take care of my stuff.

I literally came up from nothing, raised in the hills of south eastern Kentucky by my wonderful poor single parent mother who made $50 per week working at Rite Aid in the 80s. My teen years of the 90s were spent dreaming of owning a 5.0 mustang, then later dreaming of a GT500. I was the kid in high school that didn't have anything to drive, my friends had to haul me around in the nice rides mommy and daddy bought them. Many of you guys were lucky like that Im sure, Mom and Dad made sure you had something to drive in high school, and thats cool. When I got out of Kentucky and made my way into a great career and was able to buy houses and cars and trucks and ATVs you can bet I took care of and still take care of my shit. Im not taking it to someone else to tear it up, I worked way to hard for what stuff I do have.

No silver spoon stuck in my mouth or ass growing up.
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Full Access Member
Sep 13, 2014
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I do everything possible myself. I've told my wife 100 times... I can buy the parts, buy the tools if I don't have them, and screw the job up once and do it again, cheaper and with less frustration than bringing it to the dealership.