So this has happened a couple of random times. I know it would never reproduce for the dealer to fix it. Happens maybe 1 in 20 times in the truck. It's hot outside. Normally the AC blows hard and cold(insert joke here). So this 1 in 20 thing, AC is on, thermostat on "Lo", fan in "auto" just like I always have it. I hear the AC blowing but its not coming out the vents. It's like the louvers that direct the air behind the dash aren't opening. I even hear the fan speed change as I change the settings, but its not coming out.
We are in the car for a few hours. AC was blowing strong. Stopped at a gas station to fill it up and when I cranked it up it happened again. Lots of noise, no blow. Is this system vacuum controlled like they used to be(I think). Tried shutting off the car and turning it back on twice with no success. Now we are stuck in the car for two more hours with no AC.
Any ideas?