Got my VIN and delivery date today!

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Full Access Member
Oct 4, 2016
Reaction score
Birmingham, Michigan
In case anyone is wondering.... Ford service said it take 1-2 weeks to build... FYI.

On the TFL video that came out yesterday they were saying that Ford won't let the reporters drive one until December. Makes you wonder when they will really be available.

For instance I was initially told my build is week of 10/17. I checked yesterday and the status changed to "in order processing". I'm not sure what that means.

I'm still waiting on a window sticker. Any one know how far in advance of the actual build date the window sticker would be available? Seems from posts on this thread that it's about 6-8 days.


FRF Addict
Sep 9, 2016
Reaction score
Harrisburg Pa
Alright gents!

After pricing out F-150's vs Raptors.... looks like Im getting a Gen 2 Scab!

That being said... Ill be returning back to the USA around March 1st, 2017. When would be the best time to submit my order so my delivery date would be around that time frame?

Would hate to order it now, get it delivered to the dealer in january and have the thing sit on a dealer lot for 2 months. Not even sure if a dealer would do that. Thoughts?

Well having that time frame could help or hurt you. It may help you in the fact that the hype on the truck may die down a bit and dealers may get a bit more aggressive with pricing. But it also may hurt you if the truck gains popularity once the first once start hitting the ground and people start seeing them. I've seen it many times over the years where people weren't really interested in a model until they saw one and got curious. Once they start looking into what the truck is then they want to buy one. We just saw this with the GT350's. Once the 16's started hitting the ground and word started getting out we had more interest in the cars. Unfortunately that's usually the point where most of the units are already sold out except for the dealers that want well over MSRP.

My suggestion would be to start contacting dealers and let them know what your time frame is. You may get lucky with a dealer that has a few units left and would be willing to give you a deal to towards the back of his allocation line.


Aug 17, 2016
Reaction score
These forums are full of information that put that number at less than a day from start to finish. Worth asking Ford Service for clarification perhaps.

Hey, David! Your build date is now November 18th. No need to check back with us really until then. The build usually takes a week or two. Once it is built, check back with me and I'll be able to track it to your dealer. I am unable to estimate ETA at this time.


This is all I'm referencing. I'm just hoping to get it to my door by Christmas!
That next week is thanksgiving so who knows...