Not the best write up, but will try to explain, and pictures to help.
.(Done with out removing seat from truck).
1st---Use switches to set seat at it highest hight, for working/hand room.
2nd---Remove the seat belt cover,lightly prying from top and popping it off.
3rd---Remove the seat control switch assem, prying from top, then working your way around assem, " CAUTION" Dont pull to hard, you have to disconnect the switch plugs, rear first, front last, not alot of slck on wires, just enough.
4th---Front section there is a T20 torx screw ( REMOVE ).
5th---Rear of seat, unzip both sides a little, on the rear left side corner there is a 7mm screw, ( REMOVE ). NOTE you can remove the seatbely torx to get side panal out of your way, or just slack the seatbelt, your choice.
6th---On the switch side and front of seat, you will see a plastic J-channel stiched to the seat cover, pull down and release from side bar and front brace, NOTE there is one on the right side next to center console, I did not release that one, "CAUTION" WATCH YOUR FINGERS, the metal on the seat frame is sharp as all hell, (opened my finger up, if i pulled would of been going for stitches, lol.
7th---Slowly pull seat cover up around seat, taking caution not to pull to hard, there are 3-hog rings hoding the seat cover at the center seem, and velcro holding the cover on the left,right and rear of cover.
8th---2 niddle nose pliers are now needed, first rotate the hog rings so you can see there overlap, once there take your 2 niddle nose pliers and spread open the rings, take caution not to tear the felt flap with the plastic edging stitched to the seat cover.
9th---Now you should be able to move the seat cover out of the way enough, to work, SLOWLY start peeling the heat element, working your way around untill its removed, NOTE-some come off easy, some don't, you can use a heat gun to loosen the glue and peel, or you can just cut the old wires off and install the new element on top of the old, your call.
10th--When installing the new element, make sure its in the correct postion, and you have the section where the hog rings are, tucked into the foam channel good, you don't want to much tension on the element when recrimping the hog rins, thats where the wires are for the front and rear sections of the element feed each other.
11th---Now just reverse the prosses to complete.
Sounds like alot, but I just wanted to explain everything your gonna see, total time took me 1hr 20min, from start to finish, along with pic's. TOTAL COST $23.00, ordered element from TASCAPARTS.COM