Squatting Dog
FRF Addict
With all of the positive comments and first hand experiences specifically tied to the Icon shocks, I picked up a complete set over the holiday (a BIG thanks to Jason at SDHQ).
I know there have been some reported problems running the stock Fox set up on top perch. With the Icons, would I experience the same problems/issues at the top perch setting? I do not have the upper control arms yet, hell I don't even have my new truck yet. But I'm trying to plan ahead at this point.
Also, do the Icons come set at the mid or top right out of the box?
I had the same reservations about ICON shock height.. It is set mid-top height from the factory. You can easily lower (raise the upper ring) and bring it down to mid/bottom perch height. That is what I did to mine.. Very easy to adjust preload (height) of ICON shock on the truck..