Other than being able to re-use it there is NO good in using one of these filters in a daily driver. They allow tons of dirt through into your engine, the stats are incredible. You might be better off just not running a filter between the oil fouling the airflow sensor and massive amount of dust it will feed your engine.
Awesome marketing, probably one of the worst things you can do to your truck though...
I've been running oiled air filters for 20 to 25 years now on all my 4x4s never had any issues.
Now if your a lazy person and let it get too dry, I can see it maybe letting dust in.
Or your spray water on the cotton to hard and punch holes in it, that will be an issue.
If you do use a brush to pre clean better find the softest brush you own and gently brush.
This is were guys do the most damage to the cotton fiber web,
I always check the cotton against a light or sun and check for holes.
If there is one I use super glue gel to fill it up.
And if your lazy on applying the oil and over oil it, yes you may need to clean your MAF sensor after the first rain you drive in.
MAF sensor should be clean at every oil change!!! I spray mine about every three months.
With the paper element it does starve your engine once it gets dirty and then wet from driving in the rain, robbing you of fuel economy and power.
My daughters 2013 Titanium Eco boost Escape suffers from this she needs a new filter every four months, more in the winter months.
Luckily I have a maintenance plan on her car and after a little fighting they change it.