Are you "happy" with the 5.4L?

Are you "happy" with the 5.4L?

  • Yes

    Votes: 35 89.7%
  • No

    Votes: 4 10.3%

  • Total voters

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FRF Addict
Oct 28, 2011
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Magic Mountain
Jason's right. As I recall, the 6.2 motor was shelved by Ford some time back (probably due to cost savings) and it was resurrected by Ford but not in time for the Raptor's intro. Once the 6.2 motor was brought back to life they had to finish working on it and there was no way it would be ready for release in time for the Raptor's introduction. So it was developed with the 5.4 as Mark said.

BentToast said:
I am not blaming Ford, but they had one engine that the Raptor was suppsed to have and they pushed it out with the 5.4 anyway. Every time somebody asks whats under the huge, orange, vented hood, and I tell them its the regular 5.4 they get all disapointed. I am not unhappy because the truck is underpowered, I am unhappy because its underpowered for the wrong reason. I thought there were supposed to be both engines available when I bought the Raptor, on Halloween day. I didnt know there was only supposed to be the one. I love the 5.4 Raptor and wouldnt get rid of it far any other truck... exept for a 6.2

When folks are "disappointed" with what's under the hood of your Raptor tell them:

(1) You have a Raptor and they don't so why are they disappointed when you're not?

(2) The Raptor came out well before the 6.2 was ready (note that some folks are just now getting their Raptors! You could still be waiting like them. But you've been driving your Raptor for months and some are still waiting. Tell them you had a choice and you didn't want to wait - you wanted to be driving the ultimate offroader months before others.

(3) It's not the size of the motor offroad as much as it's the size of the cojones of the driver and the experience of the driver. How much experience do you/they have? You can quickly do things in the 5.4 powered Raptor that will ultimately send you to the dealership to order a 6.2 because you totaled your 5.4 (now there's a plan!).

(4) The 5.4 powered Raptor is not under-powered. The 6.2 simply has more power than the 5.4 (is the 6.2 "over-powered"? I don't think so).


FRF Addict
Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
I wish I could have made it to the Roundup. We need another one! It sounds like a lot more than driving a truck around a track for 15 minutes.
Yeah it sure was. Next time, eh? Sounds like the boys at Ford are trying to pull off at least one more this year. :)

There were 5.4's AND 6.2's stuck in the sand in the roundup drive. LOL - oh, thanks Tiregate guy for that by the way,

Sometimes driver skill make up for larger cubes (about 5 of us did not get stuck in the sand, yours truly included.)
Amen brother. I am NOT an expert driver, by any means. But I was one of the very few who did manage to climb that impossible hill we were led up (by mistake). I just took my time, picked the line and adjusted as I went. Fortunately I got lucky and made it up where several 6.2s didn't (or didn't even try).

:poopstorm::poopstorm::poopstorm:Should have kept my mouth shut.:poopstorm::poopstorm::poopstorm:
Nahhh never. Remember, we're not about picking on the poster around here. But we are all about facts, accuracy and well thought out opinions the poster might state. Your comments and the subsequent discussion might help inform someone else some day.


FRF Addict
Jul 5, 2010
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Namby-Pamby Land
I thought my sources were good. It didnt make any sense to me, but I thought.... AAAAAAAnyways, what about an impossible hill? Sounds like fun!


FRF Addict
Mar 4, 2010
Reaction score
Amen brother. I am NOT an expert driver, by any means. But I was one of the very few who did manage to climb that impossible hill we were led up (by mistake). I just took my time, picked the line and adjusted as I went. Fortunately I got lucky and made it up where several 6.2s didn't (or didn't even try).

That hill was a mistake? Didn't know that. The problem I came across were several ummm... "un-informed" people who kept STOPPING.

(First rule of deep, soft sand... don't stop unless you absolutely have to! And certainly not while climbing a hill!)

I think everyone could have made it with us easily if they just kept moving...


FRF Addict
Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score
Magic Mountain
The problem I came across were several ummm... "un-informed" people who kept STOPPING.

(First rule of deep, soft sand... don't stop unless you absolutely have to! And certainly not while climbing a hill!)

There was one Raptor that had some strange contraption :D on the back end that caused those of us behind him a number of problems. Ultimately I used his device as an indicator of who I should not be behind and it was all good. :)


FRF Addict
Aug 5, 2010
Reaction score
That hill was a mistake? Didn't know that. The problem I came across were several ummm... "un-informed" people who kept STOPPING.

(First rule of deep, soft sand... don't stop unless you absolutely have to! And certainly not while climbing a hill!)

I think everyone could have made it with us easily if they just kept moving...
Yah that's what one of the 'leaders' said to me. "Uh sorry man. That hill was impossible. We shouldn't have even tried it". Greeeaat.

There was one Raptor that had some strange contraption :D on the back end that caused those of us behind him a number of problems. Ultimately I used his device as an indicator of who I should not be behind and it was all good. :)
Hrm... you're not talking about a particular white with a unbelievably amazing flag flying off the back of it, are you? :mad:


FRF Addict
Mar 4, 2010
Reaction score

Hrm... you're not talking about a particular white with a unbelievably amazing flag flying off the back of it, are you? :mad:

Yeah, that guy with the flag was something awful! What did the flag say SVT something? (LOL, just kidding J)

I think the "contraption" guy was a blue dealer-owned truck... if it's the one I'm thinking of...