Wow dude, you are so friggin smart that every auto company and government agency should be begging you to come work for them. Clearly you know more about engines than everyone else. How come you are wasting time on an internet forum instead of saving the world from ignorance?
What you are attempting to do here is called an ad hominem fallacy. Unintelligent people often resort to this after their ignorance has been put on display.
Since you are so smart, figure me this one. Why is my 2017 Raptor significantly faster than my neighbor's 2014 6.2L, all while getting 4mpg better than he does? For some reason the facts don't seem to be lining up on your side.
Simple physics, my friend.
Roughly, the math looks like this:
6200/411 = 15 lbs / horsepower
5700/450 = 12.7 lbs / horsepower
With respect to the alleged fuel mileage advantage, that comes from the reduced weight and additional gearing.
Unlike you, I have no problem with facts, or basic math, or logic.