...stepping on the market place to ensure we don’t get a bargain or access to a sale in a public way kind of has an alienating effect, doesn’t it?
Pedal commander:
This is what WAS going to happen as a result of the childish "price cutting" that was going on between my dealers. I stepped in and said that wouldn't be fair. SVC and Freedom and ANY of my other dealers can post "10% off orders on our website this weekend for Labor Day!!!" just like I can.
I’ll admit, I don’t have a macro economics degree, but in all my studies, and all my travels I have to admit I cannot fathom a way that the alleged “childish price cutting” was going to alienate the buying public, or do anything other than enhance the market.
Sale generates interest, turning a higher percentage of ‘maybes’ into ‘yes’ and more units sold. These units sold, translate into good PR for the product, encouraging others to take the rather steep for what it is, plunge.
Or, you can create a situation in which vendors yank the deals, requiring a minimum price that it appears others - at least Tacomas- aren’t subject to at the expense of your public reputation.
Even those of us who aren’t particularly happy at the current revelations, including me; currently on the record encouraging your (general, not personal) self fornication still maintain the product is an improvement and even sing its praises.
Please, explain to us, the great unwashed who simply don’t understand how this price cutting was a bad thing, was in fact a bad thing.
I may not have an economics degree, but one thing I do understand well is messaging to a demographic to advance or defend a political position, and your position here is a very, very steep hill to climb. Like it or not, sale prices are seen by consumers as a sort of given and the 2 supporting vendors here seemed to me to be doing what supporting vendors do for a community such as FRF - offer discounts, make sales. There are a lot of cheapskate buyers out there, like me, who will wait for a sale to buy a commodity. The affordable care act is a close parallel here; the Republicans just learned really hard lesson in just how difficult it is to take away a government entitlement. It’s political suicide. We kind of expect discounts on stuff from supporting vendors as part of the supporting vendor deal. It’s a nice perk of having to put up with sasquatch77’s bordering on unhinged hatred for all things ecoboost and his/her sheer delight when someone has a problem with their Raptor. We need supporting vendors to develop and offer products for our trucks and the sales, discounts and specials on products we have come to expect.