I've got Spark Knock!

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Full Access Member
Mar 22, 2010
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Damn! I don't have to go to Webster's very often, but "Stoichiometric" sent me diving for the Google button. So, I now know that Stoichiometric or Theoretical Combustion is the ideal combustion process where fuel is burned completely.

I am old school simple... but I learned that spark knock, AKA Pinging, was caused by the cylinder(s) firing off time... specifically BTDC. As the piston, mechanically locked by the rod, rod end bearings etc., rose towards TDC, the timing circuits fired the Fuel/Air mixture in the combustion chamber at precisely the right moment to ADD the power of that piston's power stroke to the overall shaft horsepower. Should the combustion happen at the wrong time, say, Before Top Dead Center... the power generated by the power stroke is counter productive for the period of time that the cylinder is trying to drive it's respective crankshaft journal in the opposite direction that it is going. Even though at 5,000 rpm the amount of time is very small... it is still enough to slap all the slack out of the mechanical connections. The Wrist Pin, lower Rod Bearings, Valve Train and possibly the mains all feel the power going in the reverse direction. Depending on the wear and available wiggle room, that slap can be loud enough to be heard as knocking or pinging.

What causes the mis-timed combustion? I was taught that, barring actual mis-adjustment of the timing itself... it can be caused by carbon deposits in the combustion chamber, holding enough heat to cause spontaneous combustion (dieseling) leading to the mis-timed combustion. Or, the fuel/air mixture itself can be off, leading to a mis-timed and thereby stoichiometric (<-- HA! <G>) combustion due to pressure driven volatility and early combustion (or dieseling) as the piston nears TDC.

I was taught that Octane is merely a measurement of how combustible the fuel is, flash point wise. Higher octane yeilds higher flash point, which in turn increases the heat the fuel air mixture will tolerate before spontaneously combusting. The higher the flash point, the more compression you can engineer into the motor. Stroke, bore and piston head geometry are what yields higher output... not the fuel octane. The higher octane just lets you play with ways to make the power stroke punch more without the mixture firing when you don't want it to... it will fire precisely when you ignite it, not before and not after.

Pretty simple description, but that's my understanding of the process. Anyone that can correct or add to my understanding of the power generation cycle is welcomed to correct and/or add away. But based on my understanding, both of the process and Riku's problem, I don't see why the thread is going in the direction that it is. All the really cool but esoteric discussions about octane and the like is REALLY interesting, but it doesn't address the problem as I understand it. Spark Knock, in my experience, is a problem when you are accelerating and all the situations I described above come into play. Why would it knock when going from an idle to "Tapping the throttle"? It doesn't fit the basic scenario for spark knock in a classic sense. I am under the impression that something is mechanically wrong in the power train, and it has nothing to do with Octane or anything else. But that's just my humble opinion <G>.



FRF Addict
Aug 5, 2010
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Gotcha Mark. Thanks.

Now where's that popcorn smiley...



Full Access Member
Mar 27, 2010
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Hey guys, been away for a while but wow this topic has exploded in a very positive way IMO.

I really appreciate team fords attention to this matter. I understand I'm going to hear the don't mod your car cause you will lose your warranty song from them as all dealers do as well. I understand that position for a business.

My concern is fixing the issue before I drop the money to re paint it black. If it's unable to be fixed then the truck gets sold. Simple as that. That would be my first and last time buying a ford.

But who wants to buy a truck thank knocks ?

Anyway my vision and intention is clear that with team ford I'm in the best hands possible as far as dealer service goes. Even if money has to come out of pocket IF they decide to boot my warranty.

I'm curious as to what part of the warranty the knock would fall under and also interested to see how they support me on this.


FRF Addict
Aug 8, 2010
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Hey guys, been away for a while but wow this topic has exploded in a very positive way IMO.

I really appreciate team fords attention to this matter. I understand I'm going to hear the don't mod your car cause you will lose your warranty song from them as all dealers do as well. I understand that position for a business.

My concern is fixing the issue before I drop the money to re paint it black. If it's unable to be fixed then the truck gets sold. Simple as that. That would be my first and last time buying a ford.

But who wants to buy a truck thank knocks ?

Anyway my vision and intention is clear that with team ford I'm in the best hands possible as far as dealer service goes. Even if money has to come out of pocket IF they decide to boot my warranty.

I'm curious as to what part of the warranty the knock would fall under and also interested to see how they support me on this.

hmmmm.....I'm sure I will be labelled a **** for saying this but you modified your truck and the ECM programming with an aftermarket tuner and tune. Now your truck is pinging.

Based on the posts on the board, it appears that you didn't have spark knock on your truck prior to performing these mods.

Not sure why Ford would get the blame (indirectly by not purchasing their products after this experience)

Ford has every right to tell you your warranty is void (like any other manufacturer could as well based on the info)

Again, not the words you want to read, but I just call it as I see it.

I hope you get this issue resolved.


does it come in shmedium?
Jul 13, 2010
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Orange, CA
Maybe I missed something but have you put it all back to stock yet? If so, did it knock? If you didn't then maybe you need to and find out. If it doesn't knock when it's stock then Ford has nothing to do with it and you need to fix it yourself, leave it stock or deal with the manufacturers of the aftermarket items you put on the truck.


Full Access Member
Mar 27, 2010
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Xjr you have it totally wrong, It started pinging way before the tuner went on it. No tuner now FYI. Wasn't on very long just wanted to see if it would fix the issue as jdm and super chips said it would, when issue continued returned it to stock.

Ford would get the blame for me personally for the simple fact that I purchased a product of theirs that didn't satisfy me and had issues so I decided not to buy another.

Example, sometimes people get upset at verizon because their phone don't work as they want, well verizon doesn't make the phone they just sell it. So I would buy from verizon again in that case. Ford is the manufacture.

Re read the post guys pinging was well before tuner went on.


FRF Addict
Mar 4, 2010
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RIKU... I sympathize with your issue but didn't the pinging start after the installation of a Volant CAI? Isn't the Volant still on the truck?

Back in the "stone age", vehicles had carburetors. If you went to a "free flow" air intake and/or exhaust, the air/fuel mixture could possibly become impossibly lean requiring adjustment (re-jetting).

Carburetors have several "circuits" that meter the fuel under the different operating conditions. From your description, the problems you are experiencing are happening under the equivalent of the "idle" or "pilot" jet circuit in a carburetor.

So how does a modern fuel injection compare? On a carburetor, the idle circuit usually has an adjustment screw to fine tune the mixture. Usually, turning the screw in would richen the idle circuit mixture and turning it out would lean the mixture. Sometimes after a mod, you could turn the adjustment screw all the way in and the mixture would still be too lean. The fix was to install a larger idle jet.

Modern fuel injection systems have sensors and the equivalent of "turning the screw" is done automatically by the computer. Contrary to some opinions, this adjustment is not "unlimited". Just as the adjustment screw in the carburetor can be turned in until it bottoms out, or turned out until it falls out, the computer has limits as to how much it can compensate for.

(During "idle circuit" conditions, it is my understanding that the computer uses "lookup tables" to set the mixture. These tables have limits but can be re-written by a custom tune. I'm not sure a "canned" tune for a stock vehicle would touch these settings.)

Is the combination of CAI and whatever else you've done creating a "idle circuit" fuel mixture condition the computer is unable to compensate for? Or is the problem something else entirely?

I think the point many are making is that unless you go completely back to stock (air filter system and perhaps exhaust), it is unfair to blame Ford... or to really know if the modifications created the issue or if it's something else.

I also think that everyone here hopes you get the problem solved!


My 45ft Bluewater Party
Supporting Member
Aug 9, 2010
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Winchester, Va
SO, any luck with fixing your pinging yet?... Did you take off your HAI (Hot Air Intake) system yet?


Full Access Member
Mar 27, 2010
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Haha HAI. Like that, it went off very briefly when I was able to borrow swap with a friend. He didn't get ping with the volant, and mine continued with the stock air box. Gave is a couple days then put my volant back on.

Mark T, appreciate the input but that test above proved nothing and the techs at ford are sayin CAI can't be the issue re read what team fords post said on this. It's a possibility that anyone can be wrong but I have to lean toward what my findings and the top ford techs are saying in Michigan. In a week I'm taking it in and team ford has some ideas.

Here's another thing pinging is slowly getting worse in my honest opinion and this is in mid 70s weather of Cali. It's not temp as the raptor was designed with Cali/Vegas intentions of use.

I'm not angry, don't feel entitled to anything I don't deserve just very clear on what I expect from a vehicle. So far and just speaking for myself the product I received isn't to my standard but the service and support at team ford is stand out.


My 45ft Bluewater Party
Supporting Member
Aug 9, 2010
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Winchester, Va
Haha HAI. Like that, it went off very briefly when I was able to borrow swap with a friend. He didn't get ping with the volant, and mine continued with the stock air box. Gave is a couple days then put my volant back on.

Mark T, appreciate the input but that test above proved nothing and the techs at ford are sayin CAI can't be the issue re read what team fords post said on this. It's a possibility that anyone can be wrong but I have to lean toward what my findings and the top ford techs are saying in Michigan. In a week I'm taking it in and team ford has some ideas.

Here's another thing pinging is slowly getting worse in my honest opinion and this is in mid 70s weather of Cali. It's not temp as the raptor was designed with Cali/Vegas intentions of use.

I'm not angry, don't feel entitled to anything I don't deserve just very clear on what I expect from a vehicle. So far and just speaking for myself the product I received isn't to my standard but the service and support at team ford is stand out.

Glad you are at least getting things worked out even if you still have the problem...