Well, I didn't get it up and running today. Had some stuff around the house to do and I'm too tired to do the delicate bit of soldering. Well, that and I forgot to pick up a 6-32 Tap/drill bit.
I got things laid out and started drilling:
I couldn't think up a good way to lay out exactly where to put the holes so there was some eyeballing involved.
The first pic is sort of a lie, that is the 2nd heat sink. I had issues with the first one. First I broke off the 4-40 tap in one of the holes. Then I tried to force a screw in a hole that was bottomed out and broke that, too.
You can see that here:
I took a dremel to the tap and screw and got the slightly below the level of the surface. This is now going to be the one for the drivers. It's not an issue since I only need two small spots that are flat to mount them and the whole thing need not be flat.
Anyway, here is how it sits now. I'm short the one screw I broke in the first attempt. I measured the distances of where the screw holes ended up and came up with an average that I will use to lay things out to be more precise when I end up making more of the boxes. As it sits the lights are about 1/32" off of being evenly spaced. It just looks weird from the angle of the picture.
The idea was to get the solder pads lined up in a straight line to make life easier for that part.
I quick trimmed one of the reflectors so it will clear the pad and the screws:
Just kind of sitting in place:
I don't
think it will have any impact on the beam pattern.
Tomorrow I'll pickup the tap/bit/screws I need and should then have everything to get to the point of testing the reflectors. I have 10, 12 and 28.5 degree ones. I'm also probably going to use 1/8" x 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" aluminum angle with one of the legs cut down to 3/8" or so to make the sides of the box which I can pickup from Menard's where I'm getting the other parts from too.
I didn't take any pictures of them, but, for tying the lights together, I picked up some "battery bars" that are/were used for making R/C NiCd battery packs. I'll just file them to size/shape to work.
The heat sink surface is smooth enough to kind of get a reflection and is flat as best I can tell with a straight edge. It may still get lapped flat/polished like I do my computer heatsinks for better heat transfer.