Full Access Member
Just to put some insite in this topic. Here in my town most banks and mortgage companies recently changed to a secure loan principle. For example if someone makes 70k$ a year they can not finance a vehicle that's more then 35-40k$ regardless of there credit scores. Complete BS. Furthmore mortgage companies are not giving mortgages to people who do not have x amount of credit lines(cards opened-maybe not being used) and have not held lines of credit for x years. So for my parents they are 70years old, they bought a house in 1972 and still live there, they did a mortgage paid it off early and haven't hardly used credit since they always pay cash. They were told by multiple banks it'll be very hard to get a mortgage unless they put down 40-50% as they don't have x amount of credit lines opened or haven't built up their credit. Me on the other hand have a mortgage, vehicle loans in the passed ect, and multiple lines of credit and my credit score is insanely higher then there's. I am only financing the vehicle as I have a better shot at lower interest rates ect and I WILL pay off early(prolly pay most of the interest ahead of time according to the amorozation schedule ect. So people do things totally different but some have to do what's required ect.