84mo loan at 1.99% financing 75k equals 5400$ in interest, half what you assumed, so who's making false statements? Financing a vehicle is not only for broke people that can't pay cash for a car, there are a multitude of reasons to finance a vehicle, especially given the current rates of sub 2%, I can make way more in the market right now that its costing me to finance at that level, why would I tie up cash in a vehicle when I get more long term benefit in the market. And given discussions with my dealer rep I may just trade up for a '22 in a year given what these things tend to bring to the table even used and the fact I pay less than MSRP.
LOL.. yeah these are the kind of ridiculous statements that really encourage people to do bad things.
1. Finding a 1.99% interest rate on an $80k purchase will not be found by everyone. People who find those rates will have to have >790 FICOs which only means that those people have been gassed to death by paying interest for years on things that they couldn't afford. This is not a path to wealth.
2. It's a misnomer, and one given often by broke people, that they'll make "so much more money" in the market and this is why they choose to finance. Look, if you have $80k to invest, I also hope you have $80k to buy this truck in cash and then you have the best of both worlds. You'll receive long-term gains and future value towards your retirement, and you won't get into issues with your income ratios. If you can't buy this truck in cash, you simply cannot afford it. If you must finance, the only rule I go by is from "the money guys" they are a little more lenient than Dave Ramsey, so I'd encourage you to watch their take and model.
3. No wealthy person finances their $80k toy. Broke people do all the time, for sure. People wanting to keep up with the Jones.