Sounds great @
Wilson. That would be awesome. I have @
WyoStorm on my list as well.
This past year has been crazy busy for us so we haven't made any road trips just for us. We have been to Miami twice since last May, but those trips were to support our daughter who had to have two surgeries. First to remove a tumor in her upper jaw in May, then back down over Christmas break to rebuild the bone she had lost. No worries friends. Both of the surgeries went very well and a 100% recovery is expected. On top of that, the surgeon we used is one of the best in his field and truly a magician. You can't tell that she has had anything done and there is very little chance of re-occurrence.
Work for both of us has been busy for us as well. Both at our day jobs, and the photography business.
In addition to that, I got a new toy. All of these things have contributed to me not being as active in the Raptor as I had previously been.
This year I will get back into the swing of things and catch up with my Raport buds. This it absolutely the best community I have had the pleasure to be associated with!
Here is a shot of Karen with my new toy... @