DIY Flag pole

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The Car Stereo Company

aka grumpy car stereo guy and frf rolodex
Supporting Member
Jul 8, 2012
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here, on frf
politics joe. it really sucks how this country has become a nation for all other nations. all of our values are losing their meaning because some idiot politicians think that is unfair to celebrate one faith and not the other. so those people do not have to live by our customs here. to be equal to all has gotten out of hand. this country was founded on certain principals which are no longer held as important by our government and people. it seems only the people who care are a select few, and the ones who still fight or have fought for this country. i remember flag duty when i was in school. i also remember the pledge of allegiance. how many kids now days know the pledge? not enough thats for damn sure. and either way you vote, there will always be some sort of outside influence to that party that determines the course of action. it will never be "whats right for the nation." it will be "how can we get more money" and "everyone should have an equal chance" i think it should be "tough shit, you live here, abide by our rules"

sorry....... didnt mean to rant


FRF Supporting Member
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FRF Lady
Mar 23, 2012
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Oak Island NC
So I don't know where all these schools are that arent doing the pledge anymore. Its required in PA schools, although jerk faced kids can opt out if they wish. But I have to laugh every time I see someone from PA post the whole "bring the pledge back" While I agree with the sentiment, its hard to rally for a cause that isn't even PA at least

The Car Stereo Company

aka grumpy car stereo guy and frf rolodex
Supporting Member
Jul 8, 2012
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here, on frf
thats an understatement...

the problem is establishing myself if i move. if it was myself, i wouldnt have a problem, but with a wife and kids, i cant go the path of uncertainty. at least not now.... but if any of you have the winning numbers, that could change


FRF Gofur
Supporting Vendor
Supporting Member
Oct 4, 2012
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Woodlawn, Virginia
"everyone should have an equal CHANCE"
You hit the nail on the head. The Declaration of Independence States "...all men are CREATED equal" and are entitled to "life Liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness".

Created equal doesn't equal winding up equal. That was never the intention.

The problem as I see it is that my pursuit of happiness, freedom of speech/expression and freedom to worship as I see fit is being hampered in favor of being more politically correct. Stupid crazy people do stupid crazy things and they want to take our guns. Some dipstick (from another country) takes it upon himself make a video parody about Muhammad and now you can't display a Cross anywhere in public for fear of being sued? No, not around me. My kids wave the flag proudly while reciting the Pledge of allegiance by heart at home. We bow in Church and we Salute those that have fought, are fighting and will fight to keep down those forces around the world that would see our way of life destroyed. I have no political affiliation where parties are concerned, we are past that system being able to be for the people by the people.


Meme Corps Commandant
Jun 13, 2011
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politics joe. it really sucks how this country has become a nation for all other nations. all of our values are losing their meaning because some idiot politicians think that is unfair to celebrate one faith and not the other. so those people do not have to live by our customs here. to be equal to all has gotten out of hand. this country was founded on certain principals which are no longer held as important by our government and people. it seems only the people who care are a select few, and the ones who still fight or have fought for this country. i remember flag duty when i was in school. i also remember the pledge of allegiance. how many kids now days know the pledge? not enough thats for damn sure. and either way you vote, there will always be some sort of outside influence to that party that determines the course of action. it will never be "whats right for the nation." it will be "how can we get more money" and "everyone should have an equal chance" i think it should be "tough shit, you live here, abide by our rules"

sorry....... didnt mean to rant

My daughter had to memorize and recite the Star Spangled Banner in front of her entire class as their final "poetry reading". There are still schools out there that teach kids the right things. It's just the parents' job to make sure they are.


FRF Addict
Jan 27, 2012
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South Dakota
Yes it is are right to say the pledge as it would be the right to not say it. The problem is now day's the teachers are the kid's that don't know any better.


FRF Addict
Oct 15, 2012
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Gilroy Garlic capital of the world
In California it came about simply as one said, "I don't believe in god" as in one nation under. So then the stretch begins saying its not my god the pledge of allegiance sates. Then the separation of church and state was applied.. Then no one can pledge in school because it might offend someone else... And so it goes, forget the things by which we learn and pretend they did not happen.. And slowly the tables are turned and we can not believe in one god or many gods, we have to believe in the people elected and treat them as gods.. Least ways as it goes in California... Feinstein presses harder to rename the airport in San Francisco to Harvey Milk airport... A man who has a single claim to fame being a Gay city politician... Feinstein bless us all... She carries a gun by the way and thinks we all should have them taken away but her...


FRF Addict
Jan 27, 2012
Reaction score
South Dakota
I always capitalize God He is my creator after all.

I think I found a POW sticker well a guy thinks he can get one so that will be cool. If not I'm going to use your idea of we will never forget down the side.