Man, that Velocity Blue is really growing on me. I've currently got AMB on order (not scheduled yet), but if all the graphics are done in black/grey and not like the white of the online build tool, then it's just going to look like there's some dirt on that rear quarter panel with AMB. The 37 graphics are looking sharp on the lighter colors. I'm also a bit concerned with how much dust/light dirt/water spots are going to show up on that color. I've tried to keep a black car in Vegas in the past, and it's a huge pain in the *** to keep it clean. My current Metallic Spiral Grey car hides it easily. This photo showing the AMB vs Velocity makes me think that the AMB is going to need another wash after that rain dries.
How well does Velocity Blue hide dirt? From the pics, it looks like it'd hide it pretty well. How much metallic fleck is in that paint?
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