Dezert 8MYMNEY
A.I.I. i do like yours posts alot, and i get info and a look into an area i never been before! but i think your one of the wrong people to answer this thread.... i think your the niche group OF a niche group.... meaning that the small amount of us that are buying Raptors..... your in an even smaller group that love the concept of the Raptor, but it doesnt fully meet your interests and means.....
so, i just think your needs are way off for the general people buying Raptors... but i do still value alot of your input to this site very much!
Its funny that you bring up the niche group of people buying this truck.
When this truck was being developed we thought it would only be a market that the CA, AZ, TX and Nevada guys would want because of our dezerts. But as you can tell its a huge success across the country and Canada with more and more guys buying the truck outside these 4 state's.
And to be honest with you it's not a success with the dezert racing guys because of all the options and 4wd.
Agree alsoI agree with the option for less options too. In an economy such as the one we have now down optioning may open the door to some buyers forced to feed along the bottom scale also.
Ford build a Raptor that has less options please.