Full Access Member
If the USA didn't ever have unions trust me they would be.just look at nonunionized country's it's not hard to figure that out. The union is the only reason them company's pay what they pay here and are as safe as they are as well.like you those companys are afraid of the unions and must be on the same level as the unionized company's or they wouldn't have a quality work force in the USA .
You really can't deny the unions have made plants safer and added fair wages to not only there companys but the country as a hole.
That may have been true in the past. Unions help pull workers rights to where they needed to be at the turn of the 20th century (early 1900s). Now unfortunately its the unions and our out of control health care that have forced many of our flagship companies to the brink of bankruptcy or succeeded in BKing them. old pension and healthcare entitlements are like a big old anchor.
Look at the current state of the The Post Office, the major airlines (how many left?) plus GM, Ford and Chrysler to name a few.
Add to this mess the financial crisis and the housing meltdown its no wonder we all wish to point a finger at one aspect.
And lets not forget the biggest aspect to blame - our corrupt politicians, if we could get Government out of our pockets, out of our way and let business do what they do best, then this country can turn itself around.
Politicians are like ********, they are all around us and they all stink!