Should have taken the money and went ADD!
Truck isn't quite paid off and under Texas law, they basically have to cut a two party check or send payment directly to the shop doing the repairs. I'd already lined up the dealer's body shop to fix it. ADD Venom may still happen later and if it does, I'll just sell the OEM bumper at that time.
so there are honest people still around
Indeed. know they exist...I was certainly raised that way but, I was raised by a cop so I assume everyone is an lying ******* until proven otherwise.
Awesome. Take the money and mod next go round (if ever again).
That's if u have plans for your beauty. Talk about a pretty fast turn around too
Still have plans but, with other stuff going on at home and at work, modding the truck has been a pretty low priority.
Good news...just curious what is the cost to fix?
Right at $1500 to replace the front bumper and the right side bumper cover that was destroyed. Another $300 or so for replacing the plastic top plate on the rear bumper and refinish that bumper because the truck got pushed into the brick wall by the impact which gouged the plastic and scratched the paint down to the metal.
It's sad when the collective think the worst. Which is exactly what I was thinking. "here comes another blow off" Sadly this is the norm. Although you figure a hit and run doesn't stop to examine their work and leave a card. Unless of course they have remorse before leaving the scene.
I guess so. It's more like the op hit the lottery. I'm glad to hear a good ending. Lets just hope there are no dealership horror stories to follow......
Agreed on all points. I almost felt bad when the guy called with his insurance info because I too had assumed the worst. I do think I got lucky but, it could be a bit of Karma. A couple years back, I dinged a guy's Tahoe at lunch in my old Dodge. There was no way I could leave without saying something. So, I went into the restaurant and asked the manager to help me find the Tahoe's owner. I explained what happened, showed him my ID and insurance info but, told him to send me the estimate and promised to pay it. When he sent me the estimate, I hand delivered a check to him for the full amount and a little extra in case the estimate was off. This guy really could have just left with no trace so the fact he at least left a card puts him miles ahead of most.
And by the way, I did go out an buy a lottery card when he came through with the insurance info. Didn't win a damned thing. Guess I couldn't get THAT lucky twice in the same week.
What was wrong with the rear bumper? Did he push you into somethin?
Yes, the truck was pushed into a brick wall that was only a couple inches off the back bumper when it got hit. The plastic top plate was pretty heavily gouged up and some paint was scraped off. Alignment looked OK though so that damage was purely cosmetic.