The SnoBall-2014

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Full Access Member
Dec 11, 2012
Reaction score
Williston ND, Brainerd MN, Duluth MN
Nope... Maybe in bigblueballs truck or whos knows who truck I might show up in..

-Greg (aka Squatting Dog)

Greg you'll have to fight Phil Collins for a seat, just know this, he fights like a very well equipped soup kitchen attending homeless man with no pop cans to lose. In other words he'll try to verbally assault your ********.

Squatting Dog

FRF Addict
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
Greg you'll have to fight Phil Collins for a seat, just know this, he fights like a very well equipped soup kitchen attending homeless man with no pop cans to lose. In other words he'll try to verbally assault your ********.

I wish I could go this year.. Just could not make it work out. Next year!

-Greg (aka Squatting Dog)


I Void Warranties
Supporting Member
Nov 19, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin, TN
Well, just got off the phone with my dealer and hub didn't fix my transfer case so I'm basically guaranteed to not be fixed for the run. Part they're trying next is back ordered a week so if I had the truck next Thursday it'd be 2wd. I do believe I could handle being 2wd in the back of the pack but I'm pretty darn upset right now.

I could rant about how pissed I am, but they're only human so I'm trying to cut them some slack. I will say though that if they'd worked on my truck earlier instead of last item of the day I do believe we'd know what part I need but now it's waiting until Monday when they can look into it further.

Very sad and frustrated. :*(

Dealer --> :lazer: <--Miranda

Seat offer still stands

Ms. MI Raptor

FRF Lady
FRF Lady
Jul 9, 2011
Reaction score
Marquette, MI
Thanks for all the help! I don't know what I'm going to do yet if the truck isn't ready but I really appreciate the seat offers. I have my BF's bro running with us in his own truck in group C so all 4 people crammed in his scab is one option (driver, codriver, my codriver (bf) and me) but sounds somewhat miserable for a full weekend. I could be a transient rider and ride in a different truck each day...and different group each day so that could be interesting...

I have the hotels, I have the time off, I just am livid that I don't have the truck. I know there's 4 days left but this has been going on for weeks already so I'm rapidly losing hope.