Haha it's all good guys I'm just busting chops also
Honestly I didn't feel. Great about paying msrp.. I usually do invoice... But like I said I'm new to raptor world.. And from all the posts few n far between are getting under msrp.. This is why I posted my question... I guess if I waited till next year close to. Invoice might be attainable here in NYC area.
I'm a police officer here and usually get some. Kind of deal also... Like first responder or something... But nanda in these beasts..
Honestly I didn't feel. Great about paying msrp.. I usually do invoice... But like I said I'm new to raptor world.. And from all the posts few n far between are getting under msrp.. This is why I posted my question... I guess if I waited till next year close to. Invoice might be attainable here in NYC area.
I'm a police officer here and usually get some. Kind of deal also... Like first responder or something... But nanda in these beasts..