OK, I loaded up for a week of warm weather camping with one other person and pulled out the tape measure.
Empty, half a tank of gas, 38F/36R, front was 40.5"P/40.25"D, rear was 42.25"P/42.375"D
I loaded the front seats with 182D + 187P = 370
The back seat saw cooler@110+water@185+tools@40+clothing/shoes@45 = 380
The bed at or in front of the axle got a cooler, cook gear, a cot, tent, chairs, grill, jack, and gas for 250
The bed behind the axle got the table, food, a cot, packs, and sleep gear for 180
The grand total was 1180lb, 220lb under the load limit of 1200+200 for the driver.
The front sank only 0.5", coming in at 40"P and 39.875"D
The back sank about 2", coming in at 40.25"P and 40.5"D
I was surprised that the front didn't sink more, since 1000lb of the load was between the axles. I was happy to see that she was roughly level with that much load, as I hate the squatty look.