1) Go to your favorite parts place and order Part# 9L3Z-1506024-CC (YMMV on $$).
Wait 6 weeks as the part is on National Back Order, then run down to Parts Desk and pick up part.
Return first part 'cos the one in the box is a smooth leather & light tan color . Re-order 2nd part - same part# as 1st part#. Wait a few days and go pick up re-ordered part.
Return re-ordered part 'cos this time the one in the box is a textured dark brown color. Re-order re-ordered part - same part# as the first part# (all sing along).
Have parts Manager call Ford and ask WTF? Seems all the console lids were mis-boxed. They find the correct one and overnight it to me :thumpsup2:
Now you should have one of these:
2) Go get a T-30 Torx bit and remove the lid from the center console by unscrewing the 3 Torx bolts.
3) Go get a T-20 Torx bit and Phillips screwdriver.
4) Disassemble your existing and new lid to get access to the lock mechanism.
4a) Unscrew the 4 Phillips screws holding the hinge - remove hinge
4b) Unscrew the 6 T-20 bolts holding the plastic liner of the lid - set aside for later reassembly:
5) Remove the lock mechanism by unscrewing the final T20 bolt:
6) Swap existing lock mechanism into new lid - and reassemble in reverse order.
7) Install new lid in Raptor:
Using a flash (not the above pic), the stitching looks white, but it is really a grey color which matches the center stack and console.
Just completed this mod and I like it.......Thanks for the part #