FordTechOne, we discussed this before and I talk to my Service guy(20yrs) about it all the time. Anything other than cosmetics your are running the risk of voiding the warranty, period. Since the beginning, 2010, I have left all 3 of my Raptors stock except for lights, shell, CargoGlide, etc. I always buy the extended warranty because I keep them 8+ yrs/200k miles. Ford has never “gone out of their way to deny a claim” and I’ve had many. Do they investigate to determine liability? You bet they do! My sons Stang got a cracked block that Not So Quick Lube discovered at 80k miles and they took weeks “investigating” before they authorized the “Very Costly” repair. They asked my Service Manager about any mods whatsoever, headers, intake, tune etc. Plus they wanted the entire service history, which was at their fingertips since it had always been serviced there. Bottom line, they fixed it. They have replaced 2 of my Foxes on one of my 2010’s at 80k. I know that if I had modified the suspension in any way it would have been on me.
Many years ago I had an Excursion, transmission went out at 78k. ESP put in a new one. One month later, transmission failed. ESP put in a new one. A friend asked me weren’t you livid? I was unconvinced, I
couldn't care less if it broke every month as long as they keep putting in new ones snd giving me a loaner. The S;(t is mechanical, it’s going to break at some point, just like us, we are dying from the moment we are born. We are all destined for the “Dirt Nap” some of us are just further along then y’all

I would love to modify my Raptor more than cosmetically but I just don’t have the coin to fix that stuff on my own.
She does everything I need her to do, just as she was born

that’s just me. Stock Raptor guy with no money
