FRF Addict
What's completed?
90% of everything now just down to tinkering.
What do you have left to do?
Organize gear and make sure everything is secured in bed.
Do you have all of the GLRE run requirements met yet?
Yep. Just finished tire mount today(see below). 3 hours & $40 later.
Will you be partaking in the night run?
If camping, what's your set up?
N/A but plan on visiting
90% of everything now just down to tinkering.
What do you have left to do?
Organize gear and make sure everything is secured in bed.
Do you have all of the GLRE run requirements met yet?
Yep. Just finished tire mount today(see below). 3 hours & $40 later.
Will you be partaking in the night run?
If camping, what's your set up?
N/A but plan on visiting