Deal or No deal - Real world ADM - Being Transparent

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Full Access Member
Aug 17, 2021
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With the market the way it is, I am not sure why anyone is buying a vehicle right now. It just doesn't make any financial sense. I would walk away from any talk of a 2021 Raptor, and wait until the 22's are being built (next few weeks right?), or just give it time and get a deal next year.


Active Member
Jun 30, 2021
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So I met with my dealer last week (he is the manager). Got everything squared away. This was my original deal:

No ADM pay full price MRSP. Day I ordered truck (6/18/21). I had choice of either of his 2 allocations, one of which was a 37 Performance. I of course got the 37. He said if I owner wants ADM it would be anything more than $5k. He said if it is, I will split with you, so for me worst case it was $2500, but wasn’t sure if he would want the ADM.

I lease a 2019 F150 Lariat. Told him I didn’t care what he made on my trade as long as I can walk away free and clear. This is my 10th car I bought/leased from him for myself, wife and son.

When I ordered the Raptor I had at the time 8 payments left @ $575 a month ($4600 in payments). Can buyout lease AT END for $37k and change. At the time the truck was worth about $43k (trade in in June). So it would simply be a wash for me and him making about ~$2k or more on the trade. Remember as long as I walk away I was ok. He agreed. He would buy truck from me and pay off remaining balance. I’d buy the Raptor @ $90k with taxes.

Last Friday we met, I was nervous. I walked in and he gave me that look. He said listen, you know these trucks are going for $15-$20k over MRSP. My heart sunk. My wife is pissed I am already spending $90k and for ***** sake not including all the ******** I will end up buying over the next few months - god bless her) but now I have to tell her another $15k. I did not want to have that convo with her. I agreed I have heard that is what they are going for and he said the owner wants $5k in cash, but said the value of my F150 has gone up and will give me another $2k and if I include my Bak Rolling cover on it, another $500 (2 yrs old and in mint condition). Plus any payments you have to make back before the transaction.

So in the end, I have to admit, although all along I have been saying I am not paying ADM. I am in fact paying $2500 ADM.


I will probably have the only 37 Package in NW Indiana for some time.
Don’t be gullible with all the sales lines. WOW. They are saying all kinds of bs to make you feel good about the deal. As long as your happy with it is all that matters


Jan 19, 2021
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NW Indiana
Don’t be gullible with all the sales lines. WOW. They are saying all kinds of bs to make you feel good about the deal. As long as your happy with it is all that matters
LOL - Ok. I am fine with the deal and not gullible. The deal was a probable $5k ADM, in which is less. I am fine with it.


Full Access Member
Jul 17, 2021
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With the market the way it is, I am not sure why anyone is buying a vehicle right now. It just doesn't make any financial sense. I would walk away from any talk of a 2021 Raptor, and wait until the 22's are being built (next few weeks right?), or just give it time and get a deal next year.
A bird in hand is better than two in the bush.......


Full Access Member
Aug 13, 2021
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Belle Vernon, PA
To each their own. This is one of the great reasons we live in a free, capitalist society and not a socialist regime. God Bless The USA! And think about it….how many Raptors are in socialist/communist countries? I personally would never pay ADM. I’d rather travel to a dealer for MSRP and make a mini vacation out of it. Again, to each their own. In the end I hope those who pay ADM and this who don’t all enjoy their Raptors in whatever way they want!


FRF Addict
Feb 8, 2020
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I’m suggesting that some brushing up would improve your negotiating and resulting outcomes. Everyone can negotiate, and all of us can learn to do it better.
It's not just negotiating, it's timing and picking your fight. If you're going to spar with a pro, wait until 2am when he's so drunk he can't stand up. Dealerships are pros at selling cars. You need to go in when they're hurting, with too much inventory and slow sales. When the new new thing isn't so new any more. Even then, expect a bit of a beating, like invoice.

When you have a handshake agreement with a dealer, especially an out-of-town dealer who doesn't expect to sell you any more cars, your leverage is pretty much zero. You're hoping for a stand up dealer. They're few and far between. Good luck.


FRF Addict
Feb 11, 2017
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I am quite capable of negotiating. I am 50 years old and have bought/leased many cars, few homes and even deal with Verizon and the dreaded COMCAST. And I do quite fine.

Here are the facts whether you like them or not:

I did NOT care what he made on my lease trade in. Whether he decided to pay remaining payments and I walk away. OR he bought the vehicle and made a profit. I WANTED TO WALK AWAY. It was a lease. I got out of it what I EXPECTED. I have sold leases in the past and made money. However Ford is not allowing leases to be bought by 3rd party, only to a dealer or lease holder. Selling out right and or trying to make a few thousand dollars was not in my plans. To much work for what I felt was a waste of my time with no guarantee of outcome, headache of taxes, transfer of title etc.

He told me upfront there could be a $5k ADM, but if there was he would split it and it would be up to the owner. I have bought/lease many vehicles from him. I actually trust the guy. So worst case, I am in for $2500 ADM. I didn't care, I felt any what half of the guys hear are explaining, some are upwards of $15k.

So I have a $5k ADM (which was a possibility upfront) in which he is giving me half back on something I was not expecting.

I do not care if people are in fact paying ADM, not paying ADM, under MRSP. I walked into the whole thing knowing there was a possibility of paying over MRSP of $5k. I made it out with $2500 ADM. He did not go back on his word, he split it.

I do not care what he makes on my lease, what he makes on selling at MRSP.

On a side note, when I was there he had a guy fly in from Texas and bought a Shelby GT at $50k ADM. I saw the paper work. The guy just arrived.
I agree on the lease issue! Some stuff just ain’t worth the time, effort, and hassle for a few bucks. Undoubtedly you understood what was on the table (or being left on it) and made a decision that best suits you. Good on you man.


Full Access Member
Apr 20, 2021
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LOL - Ok. I am fine with the deal and not gullible. The deal was a probable $5k ADM, in which is less. I am fine with it.
$2500 ADM will pale in comparison to the rapings that so many of us will endure. If it's worth it to you then that's all that matters.

Someone else posted that some dude sauntered into a dealership and paid $50,000 ADM for a shelby. Those people are out there, and because of covid they have money burning holes in their pockets. Crazy. Unfortunately we're at their mercy.