I had a "technician" at a state inspection facility crack a windshield and not tell anyone. When my wife went to pick up the vehicle, the manager said it failed due to broken windshield! Wife looked at it and said No Fu*king Way it was like that before it was brought in. We're not idiots, there was ~8" shattered area at the base of the windshield. No way we would even take it in with that crap.
After I had a chance to get to the shop, I inspected the big crack and found the initiation point on the inside of the glass. While scraping off the old sticker, the goon jammed the scraper tool down into the dash/windshield junction and the contact pressure on the inside cracked the glass big time. Manager stepped up to pay for it no problem. The goon didn't last long. He was a real nice guy, but about 350lbs and clumsy, so...