Lance Clifford
My 2020 Raptor developed the cam phaser noise back in mid January. Not just at start up, but all the time. I called my local dealer, and made an appointment. They said they couldn't get me in till the end of February, but it was "ok to drive". So I kept driving it.
Took it in on Feb 25 and they did a completely useless ecm flash that did nothing and made the truck shift funky. They scheduled a new appointment for me to bring the truck in the following week to do what I thought would be the actual repair. I show up at 8:00am and the guy is like "why are you here? We don't have the parts." So he says it's going to be at least a month or two to get the parts. But "it's ok to drive it". So frigging annoying. So unlike me, I didn't raise hell, not sure why.
In the past couple of days the noise has gotten worse, way worse. The truck is idling rough (almost dies) and I can hear it pinging under throttle. Getting a bunch more error codes on the Ford App. Clearly it isn't safe to drive anymore. Any ideas what might have changed/happened? Pretty frustrating to have a 60k mile truck that is going to sit in the driveway because I can't get a part for a month or two.

Took it in on Feb 25 and they did a completely useless ecm flash that did nothing and made the truck shift funky. They scheduled a new appointment for me to bring the truck in the following week to do what I thought would be the actual repair. I show up at 8:00am and the guy is like "why are you here? We don't have the parts." So he says it's going to be at least a month or two to get the parts. But "it's ok to drive it". So frigging annoying. So unlike me, I didn't raise hell, not sure why.
In the past couple of days the noise has gotten worse, way worse. The truck is idling rough (almost dies) and I can hear it pinging under throttle. Getting a bunch more error codes on the Ford App. Clearly it isn't safe to drive anymore. Any ideas what might have changed/happened? Pretty frustrating to have a 60k mile truck that is going to sit in the driveway because I can't get a part for a month or two.