I just need someone to explain to me a) if the grid ain’t green, why push electric vehicles as a “green alternative” to ICE in the first place before it is- too much too soon per usual, b) for the first time in modern history the US is energy independent & fuel is cheap as its ever been- why not focus on job creation & getting fossil fuel industry even cleaner, c) since the grid is already decidedly NOT green & we’re either Pissing away unused energy in many parts of N. America due to lack of/inefficient storage capabilities OR we have insufficient/inefficient grids backing other parts of the country that cut out & cause wildfire - why don’t we try to address those issues as well before pushing electric vehicles on the masses!?!???????
not being to recycle the batteries in an efficient manner either- least not
In a closed loop way. The production process of the batteries also leaves a hefty carbon (& human rights) footprint too...besides the fact that they inherently rob the earth incrementally of irreplaceable raw earth elements due to the lack of closed loop recycling process, the mining techniques & refining process etc
I’ve always said- never seen a better example of “cart before the horse” reflected in real life than the EV industry.
It’s technology for technology’s sake. Pure capitalism. It is NOT environmentally righteous to drive one...in fact I would argue the opposite.
All that being said? The technology is pretty damn cool!
I prefer hybrid- regardless of if/when full EV tech gets better- for the simple reason of hedging risk.