Funny and true story:
I was coming home from SoCal, headed north on Hwy5; this is a long flat boring stretch where you can easily cruise control at a 80-90mph clip.
There I was, runnin home after a long day and my radar detector starts blowing up. I ease off and set cruise to 72mph (speed limit is 70mph). A little ways up I pass an officer, the source of the radar, who's got someone else pulled over and is issuing a ticket.
You know how you just get those feelings sometimes? That was me, this time, with this officer. He stared at me just a little too long as I passed. So I kept it at 72 and rolled on.
Sure enough, a few minutes later my detector blows up again and here he comes, easily doing 100mph to catch and pull me over. I come to a stop, roll down the windows, pull the keys, put them on the dash, throw both hands on the wheel and wait as he walks up on my passenger side.
"Hello Sir. Nothing is wrong! I just wanted to ask you about that bumper..."
Yup. He chased me down and pulled me over to ask me about my freaking ADD bumper! We talked about it for a minute, he asked me turn on the LED bar so he could see... he must have asked three of four times if it was an aftermarket bumper or if it was stock, complimenting me on it each time.
After a few minutes of talking and gawking, we parted ways with a wave and a final "Seriously nice truck you have Sir!"
No plate? No problem. No covers on the LED bar or hood mounted lights? No problem. Too cool front bumper and truck? Apparently biiiigg cop-lovin problem! Yeah, thanks a ton ADD!!