I can't blame if you want to walk on the deal over the sour taste BUT on the flip side...if you wanted to keep it...
It's an off road truck, and while it sucks that someone got to take it off road before you did....it came out looking that good which means there wasn't much to his joy ride that was probably just splashing through some puddles. The fact that this fabled Raptor even made it home to you means it was destined to be yours
The dealer needs to take some responsibility here and make good with you on some things. But I would personally not be concerned with whatever fun they had with your truck - as much as it sucks that they did. It is more a violation thing than it is cause for long term concern. Full recon on the truck with extended bumper to bumper warranty and service - which should be nothing for a major dealer to agree to. This restores any concern you had about damage done as the dealer should have your back on this crazy deal. Drive the wheels off it every day like most of us do and then trade it in later on down the road for a brand new one!
The other question is what is the shipper saying about the delayed time and miles put on? The legal action taken against them should cover any and all damages here for you and the dealer.