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  • Hello, quick question. I've seen you're very knowledgeable about these trucks. I replaced both of the front wheel bearings on my '19 and didn't realize that you had to have vacuum on the IWE before placing the new ones in. I've driven the truck for roughly 100 miles after install and haven't had any sensors/codes pop up. Am I going to royally mess something up if I installed the bearings without vacuum applied?
    If they’re engaging/disengaging properly without any noise you may be fine, just a matter of luck really.
    Hello, I was wondering what your thoughts are on SDI’s Front buckets. They provide a combination of 10mm preload (3/4” preload suspension travel) and 11mm of spacer built into the tophat. I installed these on my 2022 35 Raptor but am now questioning it after I read that tophat spacers will mess up the “geometry” of the trucks suspension and will lead to all sorts of other issues. What’s your take on this?
    Hello, I have a 17 gen 2 and yes the cam phaser. Is this something that can do damage? Do you recommend I try and get it fixed, even though I'm out of warranty. I can live with the rattle but do not want any damage. TYIA
    If it’s a slight (2 second or so) rattle only on cold start, it will likely not cause damage long term. However if they get louder or the rattle lasts longer than a couple seconds I’d have them replaced, as severe rattle can damage the vanes eventually.
    Thank you so much!
    Hi Sir. Need some advice, 2017Raptor 115k miles. Out of no where shifting issue started. Jump/Hard/Hanging shifts etc. But random. No codes or check engine light. tried reseting TCM by unhooking battery terminals NO change. Going to reset the adaptive learning. Was reading on here that there is a software update available? How do get my hands on this? Any help appreciated. Ty
    Sorry yes I mistyped. Those are the codes. I do have a SCT Tuner that I use to upload tunes. I'll look into if that can do it. If so where do I find the updates needed to be installed?
    And just to clarify. Dosent seem to be any issue with the Shifter linkage.
    An SCT tuner cannot install Ford calibration updates; you’ll need IDS or a professional level scan tool to do that.
    Need some help on fixing the cam phaser problem again. Got it fixed last year and a year later it’s back again. Is there something I can buy for this to stop happening. Where do you recommend I take the truck in? Ford ??
    What exactly is the issue? If you had it fixed last year you already have the new part numbers. Did you have recall 21B10 completed?
    Hi can you repost the bulletin from ford regarding the clunking front end issue for 2021 Raptor please.

    Some 2021-2022 F-150 Raptor vehicles built on or before 16-Jun-2022 may experience a clunk, thump, and/or rattle noise from the front and /or rear when going over bumps. This may be due to a concern with the shock absorbers.
    Refer to Workshop Manual (WSM), Sections 100-04 and 204-00 to perform the appropriate noise, vibration and harshness (NVH) diagnosis and inspections. If diagnosis leads to a shock absorber, replace only the affected shock absorber(s).
    I had to split it up due to size
    Hello @FordTechOne

    I am having issues with my 4X4 always that I start up my truck 4H engages by itself but the 2H light remains, after 7 minutes it disengages and it starts working normally. I used FORSCAN and my ECU sends the signal "NO" to the IWS which remains in "YES" but it won´t follow the command even that I tried to control it and press "NO".
    How are you determining its in 4WD? As mentioned, IWEs will remain engaged after startup for a few miles. That means the axles and front driveshaft will be turning during that time. The TCCM will likely ignore any scan tool IWE solenoid commands due to the start up strategy.
    I am not able to attach a picture here but you can see my Forscan Screenshot here:

    Hello I’ve seen you on a lot of posts and you seem to be knowledgeable about our trucks. I have a question about the Gen 1. When shifting from gear 1-3 there’s a buzz like sound, my question is, is that normal? It’s noticeably louder when the ac is on. I’ve own it for a yr now. Any insight to what it might be? It’s a servo like buzzing sound.
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    Hello, does the noise start immediately after shifting into drive (1st gear) or only once you’re moving? Transmission Shift Solenoid A is On in gear ratios 1st - 4th, so if it’s only occurring in 1st - 3rd, it’s not likely shift solenoid related.
    Thanks for the reply. Only once I’m moving. I’ve watched a few videos on YouTube of Gen 1 Raptors and I’ve heard a similar buzzing sound whenever they’re shifting. Whenever you get time May you please watch a YouTube video Specifically a video by Kevin Bridges “We put a Corsa exhaust on the Raptor”. Skip to 6:40 and listen to a sound on 6:42 when his truck shifts. That’s the sound my truck makes.
    Can you tell me if there is a way to just have 4H in normal mode in a 21? My 19 I could just turn the knob, I can only find Modes on the 21 4A in slippery mode, allows you the briefly spin before it kicks in. I have a long steep hill to my home
    I just looked in the owner’s manual; if you push the 4H button on the top right of the drive mode dial it won’t go into 4H?
    New recaros
    New recaros
    I read that probably 6 times, then reading your response I ran out and realized those are buttons! Crap, thank you it works!
    What are the new cam Phazer #. I seem to remember Q or something?
    There are 2 different part numbers (intake and exhaust) but the newest version of both end in suffix “CD”.
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