Well…..got an update today. The dealership where the truck was traded in…..transferred this raptor to the dealership I did the deal with. So the dealer who I actually dealt with was kind of just getting the truck from the other lot and selling it to me. Warranty company wanted some documents, my dealer I went to that’s closer to me sent what they had, dealer that took the trade in, was responsible for sending the warranty company the VIR, vehicle inspection report. Well this has been needed for almost a week. Turns out they didn’t do one, so they did this as a budget sale but didn’t disclose to the other lot that was the deal. These are the same dealerships just one is Chevy the other is gmc Buick. So they thought it’s a raptor nice truck just change the oil ,new tires and sell it. Well that budget sale means NO WARRANTY. I was sold the warranty, signed off on all documents, and obviously Ally knows it has a warranty. Well, not anymore. So the dealership that did all of the paperwork and the actual sell to me is now paying for the engine from their store. So the GM is taking care of it but is trying to find me another truck asap. He said if you keep it and the transmission goes out, I’ll pay for that to, he’s pissed at the other GM at the other store that did this. He’s going to buy the truck back from me but I’ll drive it until then.
This is crazy I’m sure I could go through arbitration and see what they do but this is a GM that my principal has done between his dad and his self around 20 vehicles and I have been assured his word is good and he will make this right.
So now I wait……and wait for the repairs, and wait for the truck that I’ll move onto next ……what a damn mess