Recent content by FordTechOne

  1. FordTechOne

    GEN 2 Violent Engine Shaking after hard acceleration

    Flashing check engine light is a catalyst damaging misfire. How many miles are on the truck? Spark plugs are due for replacement at 100k miles at the absolute maximum.
  2. FordTechOne

    Auto Up/Down Windows stopped working...

    I just checked PTS and Ford released a service message on 2/28 with software updates to correct this concern. So the dealer just needs to reprogram the door modules to resolve.
  3. FordTechOne

    Auto Up/Down Windows stopped working...

    Ok, but did you perform the relearn before tint? Relearn isn’t uncommon, but repeat loss of functionality is. And it’s 99% of the time due to something aftermarket, whether that be 3rd party accessories tied into the circuits or window tint, vent visors, etc.
  4. FordTechOne

    2012 Knock/Chirp on cold start

    Not really. Sounds like a lash adjuster or timing drive issue. Did you just buy it used? Most engine issues are traced back to poor maintenance.
  5. FordTechOne

    Vct leak?

    You’re a joke. Find something better to do with your life than troll forums. Every single engine failure we’ve seen shows bearing wear and top end damage from lack of maintenance or running it low on oil. But you keep playing technician behind your keyboard.
  6. FordTechOne

    Auto Up/Down Windows stopped working...

    Do you have vent visors or tinted windows?
  7. FordTechOne

    GEN 2 Pinion Bearing Failure - New Part From Ford

    It should be changed between 30k and 50k depending on use case. Also, if the axle is submerged in water (boat launch, off road) the fluid will be contaminated, resulting in failure.
  8. FordTechOne

    Lets be real… Raptors aka fords are pieces of shit

    Well, you’re at least partially right.
  9. FordTechOne

    GEN 2 Pinion Bearing Failure - New Part From Ford

    Was the fluid ever changed? Worn out gear oil is the primary cause of differential bearing wear/damage.
  10. FordTechOne

    My first Raptor - some questions

    Sounds like wastegate rattle. Nothing to be concerned with. If you apply pressure to the linkage with a tool (needle nose pliers, etc) and it changes, you’ve confirmed it. The shifter positions do not light up. They have the display on the instrument panel for that purpose. The hesitation on...
  11. FordTechOne

    Lets be real… Raptors aka fords are pieces of shit

    Never said that at all. Just calling out your misinformation.
  12. FordTechOne

    Rough shift 3-4

    It is normal. Explained it earlier in the thread. Throwing parts will not change anything.
  13. FordTechOne

    Lets be real… Raptors aka fords are pieces of shit

    Wrong. Closed deck blocks have zero issues. Once again, you have no clue. Everything you “know” is from a google search. Nope. That’s the Dragon engine, and we see no issues with them. But you’re angry at it because it’s small, right? :rolleyes: If you neglect to ever check your oil and run...
  14. FordTechOne

    Raptor 2010 transmission problems

    Agree with this. The DTCs need to be properly diagnosed by the dealer. The 6.2 is known to have heat/age/chafe related harness damage going down to the transmission. If it has headers, that’s even more probable.
  15. FordTechOne

    Vct leak?

    The valve covers need to be removed because the solenoid connectors will prevent proper seal installation.