Here is another topic for discussion… IWE.
The IWE ensures that the Raptor has 4-wheel drive. I do not have much experience with this system, but it seems to be very sensitive and I don’t like it thus far. The good thing is that when it fails, it defaults such that it the front hubs engage. Meaning you will not lose 4-wheel drive. Ensuring that your 4-wheel drive system works the whole time will be crucial to finishing the run. But since so many people are traveling great distances, you may want to disengage the hubs before going home.
What can we do to ensure that we can recover from a potential failure of the IWE?
What would be some good tools / spare parts to have along?
What could we do to prevent a failure?
I am working on rerouting vacuum vent tubes into the cab. The will prevent mud and water to enter the system. I was messing around with filters for the vents, creates one for thing to keep an eye on.
Running with hubs in failed mode will only slightly increase fuel use, and create a little drag during slow speed turning. Ford designed this system to improve MPG of 4wd vehicles, by not turning front running gear in 2wd by disconnecting the hubs.
As far as unlocking them after they have failed in the field. The way they are designed once the diaphragm fails there is no way to pull a vacuum to overcome the spring engaging the hub.
The only field serviceable part of the IWE system is the vacuum lines. You could replace broken line to the hubs.. Other than that, there is not much field repair..
I am slowly working on it Joe..