Internal tolerances? . . there is not that much difference that a molecule of 15w will not provide lubrication.
Now let's get real .. (and I knew how to 'index & stroke correct' a crankshaft on a Van Norman machine in the 70s)
The reason that FORD and all American Mfgs. specify 5w-20 is to satisfy the CAFE standards.
The thinner oils will outperform on a 96 hour test (new engine) for Fuel Economy.
But, over the life of the engine?? There will be less wear at the end of 100k using a 15w-40 (except in extreme cold envoironments) than with that "weasal ****" 5w-20 or what I call - 'The Warranty Oil' - to satisfy ... 'Uncle cracker Sam' in his infinite wisdom to regulate everything out of existence. There were also, new rules regarding 'cold-flow' requirerments implemented in 2001.
Note: 15w-40 mineral base, not synthetic, has a higher API rating than full synthetic 'weasel ****' 5w-20 warranty oil.
The American Mfg is trying to gain fuel economy and longevity to the catalytic converter.(and satisfy CAFE aka Corporate Average Fuel Economy) And it is not clear wheather of not the larger amount of anti-wear additive in the 15w-40 is actually detrimental to the converter.
The thin oils do not have the same amount of zinc dialkyldithiophosphate.
With that being said, lets get down to tolerances.
How much clearence between Bearing & Journal is there with the 'weasel ****' warranty oil as opposed to the big 80s oil when things start to heat-up?
Well, when abrasive particles become bigger than the oil film thickness, the engine with the 5w-20 will receive the Wear.
Note: When a polymer oil aka muti-viscosity gets squished between the bearing & journal the molecules will tend to align in the polymer and the viscosity of the oil will drop.
So, since thicker oils accomodate larger particles aka contaminates . . . under dusty dirty, towing, overly hot days, there will be less wear with the 15w-40, which has a higher API rating & more anti-wear additive.
The viscosity or film thickness of 5w-20 at 190*F to 200*F is about the same as 15w-40 is at about 240*F to 250*F. Now, how is that oil film thickness of the 5w-20 when it is at 240*F to 250*F. - Like weasel ****.
So, over the life of the engine . . I'll stick with the Group III as opposed to the CAFE 5w-20 oil
that Ford does Not recommend once you leave the boarders of America.
Say thank you to Uncle Sam for regulating Corporate to regulate our beliefs.[/FONT]