Active Member
I used a brand called “Siless” for the butyl layer and Noico for my 150 foam layer. I also added a bit of 2lbs MLV on the front floor pan and rear floor. Just finished it up this weekend.Link to the sound deadening? Good coverage! Cant wait to do this
total time was about 3-4 weekends worth, about 6 hours each day. So maybe 40ish hours give or take? This is also my first time ever doing this.
4 boxes (36 sq ft) of butyl and 3 boxes of the foam (36 sq ft) for full coverage of the inner door skins, outer door skins, rear wall, cab floor, and cab roof. The only area that didn’t get treated with both butyl and foam was the outer door skins, which I treated with just the butyl alone.

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