The SnoBall-2014

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Squatting Dog

FRF Addict
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
Yes, lowering the pressure of stock tires helps tremendously..

Driving in snow is like driving in slick sand.

Lower tire pressure
Use your momentum to limit tire spin
One direction input at a time (brake, gas, or turning) to eliminate loss of traction.
Let the traction control work, the Raptor has best traction control system I have ever driven. It can do things you are not able to do, brake spinning wheel to transfer torque, limit sliding, and pulse the brakes faster than you can. Use it do not turn it off unless you are doing a Wiz and drifting.

-Greg (aka Squatting Dog)

Squatting Dog

FRF Addict
Jun 1, 2011
Reaction score
Kansas City, MO
I found it keep changes shift points of transmission and held it longer than I liked. My personal experience is unless you drive in off road mode a lot and are used to its characteristics. It is better to drive with it off since you are accustomed to how the Raptor will react.

Personal experience and preference especially driving on trails little wider than the Raptor..

-Greg (aka Squatting Dog)


FRF Addict
Aug 20, 2011
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ORM is as Greg said a personal preference issue. Some hate it some love it. I use it probably more often than not but I started out using it when I first got the truck. It became habit. By the way last years SnoBall was my first trip with the truck.
Stock tires worked fine.
Definitely don't want to forget to use sport mode. If you don’t traction control will kill power when trying to dig through deep snow.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2010
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Everyone has there preferences and what works for them to there driving habits.
Me I use
1. off road mode ON (to control nannies not for shifting)
2. 4x4 Hi
3. Read diff. locked
4. 1 push Trac Control (sport)

I shift manually 1st, 2nd, 3rd and I like the rear diff. locked to help swing my ass end around while my front tires help pull me in the direction I want to go.
You have to compensate for the slide of the truck in a turn if your moving good, just do everything cautiously.
I find by shifting manually I can control the speed of the truck better instead of applying my brake so much.
Many times your brakes are your worst enemy in snowy/ slick conditions.

That's my driving habit it could work for you or it could not.
Everyone needs to try everything once to see what they feel comfortable with and get use to it.
Also one set of tires on one persons truck can act different then another persons tires on another truck so taking advice from one persons
habits on how there truck reacts in the snow may or may not work for you because you may have tires that perform differently.
I have Duratracs and I may have a different habit of driving then you.

So play with your settings and find out what works for you.
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