There is a ton that goes into putting together these events. Especially new territory that you've never crossed or visually seen before.
to put SDBR into perspective from a planning side.
Myself, @yukonjoe and @
RaptorWifey started planning SDBR the end of january just after returning from snoball.
If i had to rough estimate hours i spent on google earth planning routes, i would have to estimate it at north of 300 hours. A room in my house looked like i was planning the next invasion of normandy. I had maps up everywhere, across the floor, on the walls. Luckily i had a government job with little to do, so most of the route planning happened at work.
We had hourly emails flying back and forth between the three of us, weekls skype sessions to go over routes. Day 1 became Day 2 probably 30 times, and then switched back when trying to work out a schedule.
I have no idea how many hours @
RaptorWifey spent on the phone talking to rangers, ordering maps, calling campground's to find space for everyone.
Tag on about another 80-100 hours of learning new software to design placards, then sourcing a supplier for t-shirts, the give away bags, and the can coozies.
Add in 12 hours of pre-running and you have maybe 3/4 of the time involved.
With my current work load for Rolls Royce, i just dont have the time this year to put anything of that scale together.
With the amount of interest we would need roughly 6 support trucks.
I know everyone wants to be a support vehicle, but im hard pressed to find 6 people that are not only capable of providing that role in my eyes, let alone 6 people that want to.
Also with that many trucks interested, logistics become a nightmare. if we say 25 trucks want to go, by the time you space out a safe distance, we cover over 7 miles from front to back.
Given the nature of the terrain, its impossible to do a Snoball type even with multiple groups, inevitably if the first group has trouble, your whole plan for arrivals and spacing is shot to shit.
As i said, there is still a new idea for an event being kicked around.
More of a 2-3 truck team type event. but nothing is certain.