Troubleshooting 101; rule out all or as many variables as possible. Any connected peripheral is a variable, whether we choose to admit it or not. By removing the attached phone you remove 2 possible variables - the cable and the phone. The sync programming will ( probably ) NOP anything for CarPlay.
I’d retest without CarPlay -- no phone or cable plugged in, but bluetooth ok. If the problem persists, FORGET the bluetooth phones and re-pair them. If that doesn’t work, put the phone in airplane mode and retest. If the problem persists, you’ve ruled out any remote connection.
I’ve never really warmed up to CarPlay but, I do remember one of the idiosyncrasies was having the CarPlay device connected at start up resulted in not connecting. Hello, buddy. Have you considered employment options in any IT company? After all, if you are a really good specialist, then you can earn good money. I recommend
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