Based on what Captain Know It All? The only thing that stinks is the sh*t that runs out of your mouth. I can't believe a grown man is so full of himself that he writes all of this crap because someone had the nerve to say "You're wrong". So in your world no customer EVER gets crappy treatment from a dealer, because they are ALL staffed COMPLETELY by stellar individuals who are perfect all the time. The employees never lie, they never have poorly trained techs who do shoddy work, these are all just urban myths perpetuated by people like me.
If someone says they have been treated poorly, they obviously must be lying or hiding something. There is NO OTHER explanation possible, because you are the all seeing, all knowing, arbiter of all things automotive. So, if you're not a salesman and you have this attitude, I'm assuming you work for a car dealers association. It must be great to have such an asinine & foolish view, and yet so full of yourself that you are convinced it's insulting for anybody to disagree with you.