He’s not there yet. I’ve been through a LL case too. The fine print counts. From the time the owner initiates suit, the Mfr. has a period of time to respond, then, they can request another crack at fixing the defect. If he signs off, he’s out the $$$ to hire the lawyer or whatever up front money was exchanged unless otherwise negotiated with the mfr. It was not part of my suit, but they failed to remediate so it wasn’t an issue. Next you wait. The wait can be 6 weeks or 15 months or anywhere in between, then they make you a lowball offer, because they have staff counsel on retainer, you’re just hiring someone as needed. They can outwait you. Usually within 30-60 days of the first lowball, a reasonable settlement offer is made and it’s usually close to trial.
There’s no downside to taking @FordTechOne’s advice here. If the FE can’t get it resolved of drive it to resolution, he’s already in touch with C/S.
I’ve expressed my opinion on this already, and still maintain, FE or not, this dealer has busted the budget to fix the truck and didn’t so everything from this point on is going to be like pulling your own teeth because the dealer is coughing up every dollar to look at the truck now, not Ford.