Having it washed....my biggest regret! Went to a "brushless" car wash. Unfortunately the night before I was on the beach with this girl. After sunset and a few beverages we enjoyed the Raptor for a bit with sand flying off with the clothes.
Anyway...back to the story. So I figured I'd have the sand vacuumed out the next day and pulled over at the "brushless" car wash
. The next day, I had noticed the "cleaner" had picked up a ship load of sand in the towel while wiping the inside down. Then she meticulously proceeded to wipe everything down on the inside; gauge cluster, shifter, door jams...with what now was sand paper in her rag - scratches EVERYWHERE!!!
What makes it worse is that we ended up together... which then turned sour
and now am left with a hundred bad memories every time I get in the truck.
Lesson learned: Cotton sheets would have been a better choice than sand that night