There isn't much BigJ doesn't know!! As usual... great info!
LOL lets not get carried away. Its more like learning how to climb out of the firepit you just threw yourself into ;P
BigJ, that's a lot of data. For a non-technical guy, it's too much to absorb. Would you care to synopsize what you've learned in narrative fashion? It'd really help us dinosaurs!
Sure, no problem:
-don't let the materials an intake is made of be a deciding factor. When it matters, temps are within a few degrees no matter what you go with.
-don't decide on an intake because of advertised power gains. Nobody has shown that the stock box is a restriction yet on a stock or even tuned motor.
-do decide if you prefer an open element or closed in box. If you water cross or romp thru the mud often, a closed box is probably best for you. If you live on the street or gravel roads, either is probably fine.
-when considering open or closed element, do not let someone convince you one is better than another because it may or may not suck hot engine air in.
Bottom line? Pick an intake because (1) its in your budget, (2) you like the way it looks, and (3) you like the way it sounds. Do not try and apply common sense or intuition when choosing one over another because it looks like it might perform better. It doesn't. Get the one that makes you feel good when you pop the hood, and who's roar makes you smile when hammering down.