Maybe they're doing it to collect addresses and round them up? Fat chance....
As a Canadian who lived in the US (legally) I always found the immigration rules to be a **** off. If an illegal jumps the border and has a kid they are granted citizenship as the child is automatically American. Yet myself, who was there legally, contributing to society, paying taxes, etc has a child and I still had to wait at the end of a long line for a green card.
Long story short, another job opportunity came up back in the homeland, I jumped back and the US lost a unique skillset.
Nah, we don't want you here. Apparently we only want people who will take the jobs our teens normally would have had - washing cars, busing tables, cutting lawns, working tree farms, etc.
I wouldn't be so torn about voting for Hillary if she'd just drop the ******* automatic citizenship for being born in the US thing. It's a lure for people to not follow the law. Because then what happens is years later they cry foul that we want to "separate families" if we deport the illegal parents. It's horseshit. If mommy & daddy (madre/padre) had followed the rules to begin with you wouldn't be in that predicament. Instead, you get to see Hillary stand at a podium last night and talk about "Carla, a girl she had met, who was deathly afraid ICE was going to deport her illegal parents and split up their family." This wouldn't be a problem to begin with if they'd not been encouraged to run across the boarder and drop an anchor baby. But it works out for Hillary and the likes because they get cheap labor for their businesses, and then additional voters who are most likely to become democrats since that side seems to pander to anyone with their hand out.
She talked so much about budget but couldn't come up with how she's going to address the deficit exactly (Trump didn't either) - but if they'd stop IGNORING the fact that anchor babies and their illegal parents/family members tax the shit out of our police, fire, schools, and medical industry (we pick up the tab for all!) then there'd be A HELL of a lot more money for social programs for citizens already here legally that NEED it. But no one likes to make that connection to spending & the deficit.