Passport 9500ci
I've run the Passport 9500ci in six or seven vehicles so far. Currently installed in three and getting installed in my 2014 SCREW.
This unit, especially with upgraded segmentation software (2015) and the 2nd gen shifters, will run circles around anything out there. It has saved me probably a dozen of bad tickets per year, not counting the regular 'there's a cop around the corner' daily warnings, where I just slow down. Expensive, but pays for itself in no time and is extremely reliable - providing it was properly installed.
I ran a new dash Valentine1 in parallel for a while, just to check the difference, and it was not even close in term of sensitivity and filtering false alerts. Not at all close.
For installation, I typically buy a spare OEM rearview mirror, crack the cover open, and install the display (which BTW has always included GPS arrows) behind the glass. It's in your direct view and shines the information through when there is an alert and is set to bright. When there is no alert, I don't care..