Ok. Did some research on some other F150 forums. Turns out this isn't a Raptor specific issue. It's a Ford issue. Pretty common. The fix I found that worked for a lot of people was to disconnect the negative cable to the battery for a couple of hours. I tried that this afternoon. It worked. My Nav tracks flawlessly now. Nobody really knows why this works. My guess is that the nav will recalibrate itself (ping satellites) with the vehicle sensors after being disconnected from power. That's just my guess. We'll see how long it works.
I'm still going to get a 5Star tune and reset the speedo. But not because the Nav is tracking off course. I strongly suggest anyone having this issue with the Nav to try this method. It's cheap and easy.
* That is odd, interesting if it is a permanent fix! Thank you for sharing and an update would be great!