So I've said this before and I don't think any of you will disagree with this statement. FRF is more like a family than a group of guys with trucks. Any one of us would reach out to another member and help them in a time of need without hesitation. Some times we give kind gestures to others without any request for thanks or recognition. This is a place that I cannot describe to even the people closest to me because I don't know anyone else who would help each other out like the people here would. Most of you are probably wondering why I'm rambling on about this, well, this morning I received a PM from Kanakry asking me for my shirt size because someone had paid for my registration. I would like to personally thank who ever this was but words cannot express how grateful I am. I will be honest, I did not know what to expect for a cost for this event and when it was released I was not sure if I would be able to attend. This isn't because I cannot afford it, but rather my money is needed elsewhere right now. This gesture was extremely selfless and I would like to be able to thank whom ever it came from. If you do not wish to make yourself known, well, the least I can do is put this here. Thank you!