Dealership BLACKLIST

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Full Access Member
Oct 10, 2016
Reaction score
believe it or not, some dealers (hey, it IS 2016) care about their online reputation. using the web against them (facebook, forums like this, etc.) is a way to spread the word of GOOD and BAD dealers.

if we do it, it may not have an immediate impact but it does work over time.

a couple months ago i walked into a crappy chevy dealer just perusing (checking out a Z06 they had on the showroom floor) and it was marked AT sticker. i couldn't believe it given their reputation. i talked to a salesman and he basically told me that GM forced them to stop selling over sticker. man, that was awesome news, i wish ford would do the same.


does it come in shmedium?
Jul 13, 2010
Reaction score
Orange, CA
They have 50 people on a wait list and they are only getting 10. If all 50 are willing to pay ADM what's the problem? I love that you guys think you're special and you deserve some kind of extra special deal because you call and talk to "DJ". The dealer is going to make $100,000 profit off this 10 if they sell at $10,000 over. They're bad because they are doing that? There's obviously a group of people willing to pay that. They aren't holding a gun to anyone's head forcing them to pay that much. Those buyer either have the cash or the means to get a loan on an $80,000 vehicle. What's with all the butthurt dudes trying to ruin a dealers reputation? Buy it or move on.


Full Access Member
May 18, 2016
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They have 50 people on a wait list and they are only getting 10. If all 50 are willing to pay ADM what's the problem? I love that you guys think you're special and you deserve some kind of extra special deal because you call and talk to "DJ". The dealer is going to make $100,000 profit off this 10 if they sell at $10,000 over. They're bad because they are doing that? There's obviously a group of people willing to pay that. They aren't holding a gun to anyone's head forcing them to pay that much. Those buyer either have the cash or the means to get a loan on an $80,000 vehicle. What's with all the butthurt dudes trying to ruin a dealers reputation? Buy it or move on.

And yet you have time in your day to come on here and defend the "dealer's reputation." What a crusader you are! It's ****** they ask that much over. If they've got someone paying, good for them, but it sure as shit is a popular thing for people to want to know which dealers are pulling this ******** - I know because that link has statistics attached to it, and MAN OH MAN is it popular. Dealer reputation... pshhh... who gives a flying **** about their reputation. If they were worried about it at all (as you apparently are for them) then they'd sell an item without gouging people. The artificially high prices have caused things like dealers suddenly telling a person they've committed to at MSRP that they in fact have decided to sell it for $10k over. Suppose your dealer pulled that shit on you after you sat around waiting for your truck to come in? Oh, I suppose you wouldn't care and you'd just go find another dealer. How wonderful. Some of us have very busy lives and don't have time for ******** games. A dealer tells me they'll sell to me at MSRP, takes a copy of my license (because Ford requires them to do this to verify they're not just trying to order another one for their lot), and then backs out weeks/months later? That's horseshit and it has definitely happened to more than a few guys on here.

You don't like the blacklist? Don't ******* look at it. But don't be a ***** and come on here whining about the poor 'ol dealers reputations... Cry me a river.


does it come in shmedium?
Jul 13, 2010
Reaction score
Orange, CA
And yet you have time in your day to come on here and defend the "dealer's reputation." What a crusader you are! It's ****** they ask that much over. If they've got someone paying, good for them, but it sure as shit is a popular thing for people to want to know which dealers are pulling this ******** - I know because that link has statistics attached to it, and MAN OH MAN is it popular. Dealer reputation... pshhh... who gives a flying **** about their reputation. If they were worried about it at all (as you apparently are for them) then they'd sell an item without gouging people. The artificially high prices have caused things like dealers suddenly telling a person they've committed to at MSRP that they in fact have decided to sell it for $10k over. Suppose your dealer pulled that shit on you after you sat around waiting for your truck to come in? Oh, I suppose you wouldn't care and you'd just go find another dealer. How wonderful. Some of us have very busy lives and don't have time for ******** games. A dealer tells me they'll sell to me at MSRP, takes a copy of my license (because Ford requires them to do this to verify they're not just trying to order another one for their lot), and then backs out weeks/months later? That's horseshit and it has definitely happened to more than a few guys on here.

You don't like the blacklist? Don't ******* look at it. But don't be a ***** and come on here whining about the poor 'ol dealers reputations... Cry me a river.

Someone triggered. It's a forum and I'll give you my opinion anytime I feel like it. You can sit back and act like the bitch ass Hillary supporter you sound like


Full Access Member
May 18, 2016
Reaction score
Someone triggered. It's a forum and I'll give you my opinion anytime I feel like it. You can sit back and act like the bitch ass Hillary supporter you sound like

I obviously didn't literally mean you aren't entitled to post. Clearly you can do that. I meant more on the aspect that don't expect anything other than others wondering why the hell you're so hell bent on spouting off about why so many people have gripes about the dealers and their shady practices. Clearly you're in the minority based on 1) the number of posts on here where people take issue with it AND 2) There are now 107 or so listed dealers on that list and it continues to grow.


Supporting Member
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Southern CA
So does the list stipulate the "shady" dealers who say they'll sell it to you at sticker and then stick it to you once you come in or does include all dealers who are even upfront about the markup? If it does include dealers from both scenarios, then I definitely feel like this list should be called the Dealership Butthurt List.

I do however feel the dealers who aren't upfront from the start should get called out but let's not lump them all together because they charge more then what you think they should. If you're so pissed about a dealer being upfront and charging what they please, then by all means open up your own dealership, charge what you want, and stop bitching on the interwebs about it.
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Full Access Member
May 18, 2016
Reaction score
then by all means open up your own dealership, charge what you want, and stop bitching on the interwebs about it.
Nah, I think I'll keep the list and allow people to bitch on the interwebs about it how they please. Honestly makes no difference to me why a dealer is on the list. It's obviously not just me either who isn't happy with some of these dealers. **** 'em. :flipthebird:


Full Access Member
Jul 26, 2016
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Lone Star State of Mind
Where can I file a grievance to petition to get a dealer removed from this list?! Haha - great thing to add to the potential arsenal of the consumer. The funny thing would be to see how many people viewed this list and contacted and/or purchased from dealers on this list after viewing it. I keep waiting to see the dealer I ordered from appear, hasn't yet but there is still plenty of time.


Supporting Member
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Southern CA
"Armyturtle Ford, Where you name your own price and if you're not completely satisfied with your purchase after 1 year, return it for a no questions asked full refund. But wait there's more, we'll give you an extra $5K back for the inconvenience we've caused you."

Now this is a dealership I'd shop at. Still probably end up on the Butthurt List though. :baby: